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ghost bar, club paris, the palms. Check out the GM test track when your sober (*or if), enjoyable for a small time killer, an lots more I was to intoxicated to remember all the places I traveled.
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Go to the Winn and see the place. The Tangerine is always a good club. Just see and do all you can sleep is over rated. 15 Grey goose and Red Bulls in 5 hours is a good pace.


Look at me giving drinking advice to Mr. Liver damage.

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Go to the Winn and see the place. The Tangerine is always a good club. Just see and do all you can sleep is over rated. 15 Grey goose and Red Bulls in 5 hours is a good pace.


Look at me giving drinking advice to Mr. Liver damage.



Wynn in the BOMB..baller hotel...def go see ferrari dealership and not pay to get in.....we will dominate vegas in the fall...still jealous


you can always go sailing here...



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Palms, Voodoo lounge at the Rio, Tangerine. Ive been to Vegas 3 times already this year and ill be going back in August and in October.


I froget the place I went last trip its something "brothel" kinda of small but def a nice building with plamas n shit about 10-15 off the strip if I remember right the girls were good looking and did amazing dances on like 20ft polls.

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Where are you staying? We might be on the same plane, you flying southwest? We're going to the UFC fight on Sat night. :D This will be my 4th time out. Tangerine sucks, at least it did last year. Go to Tao.


Im flying southwest leaving friday morning at 7:45am non stop. We on the same plane?

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that'd be wierd if you are. i thought it was odd i saw a girl i went to school with flying to charlotte when i went to NC last week...i thought it was wierder that i saw her in charlotte on the way home a week later.
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This is going to be a non stop trip for us this year.. when we arrive on friday, we rent a car and drive out to the grand canyon to see. spend the night out there, wake up and drive back to vegas, drop car off and cab to the hotel. Pretty much get ready then head to the MGM for the ufc fight, clubs that night since there should be a lot of celebs in town for the fight.. sunday is a pool day, then dinner at the SW steakhouse at the wynn and a cirque du soleil show at night, then more clubs.. come back monday at 9:45am, recover.
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This is going to be a non stop trip for us this year.. when we arrive on friday, we rent a car and drive out to the grand canyon to see. spend the night out there, wake up and drive back to vegas, drop car off and cab to the hotel. Pretty much get ready then head to the MGM for the ufc fight, clubs that night since there should be a lot of celebs in town for the fight.. sunday is a pool day, then dinner at the SW steakhouse at the wynn and a cirque du soleil show at night, then more clubs.. come back monday at 9:45am on monday, recover.


wow, sounds like fun though, hope you took the full day monday off, not just a halfday, lol


i'm going to orlando in a couple weeks, but for 10 days, definitely will be strictly relaxin' and drinking, haha

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