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:( I Hit a dog :(


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I currently have 2 dogs, when they are outside they are on leashes.


So your saying your dogs have NEVER EVER EVER gotten outside on accident? No ones ever slipped out the front door, or thru a fence that was left open, or anything?


I dont know ANYone who's had dogs that can claim that.

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Oh no that is so unlucky. I love dogs to death. I have never hit any animal before with my car. I guess it is just luck.



Dude, I have hit oppossums, raccoons, squirrels, CHICKENS, ground hogs, birds, deer, cats and 1 dog. The deer will fuck up a car. The non-domesticated animals, I will do my best to slow down for, but will not put myself in danger of running off the road, and fucking up my car possibly injuring myself.


The dog I hit, I felt absolutely shitty for, but I couldn't avoid it. It had no collar and was out on a back country road. The shitty part was that it was likely someone dumped him out along the road, he had no clue where to go or what to do. Shit like that happened all the time back home. Theres no bad dogs, just bad owners.

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Cocker Spaniels have had the largest number of human attacks of any breed. True story. It's just not as 'glam' to report that in comparison to an AmStaff like my dog or a pit, rottie, or you take a pick.

I don't doubt that stat, I've only been bitten (as opposed to just nipped) by two dogs, and they were both Cocker Spaniels.

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Its a dog who gives a fuck. I got pets, love them and all that shit, but when it comes down to it there not a human. At least you didn't hit some dumb kid trying to save there dumb dog. I jumped my truck over a nice hill once and landed on a dog on the other side. the poor fucker never had a chance and it sure was funny hearing it squeak as a tire landed on it. My wife laughed so hard I thought she was going to pass out.


I've had countless animals hit by cars where I used to live. I've had them run under the lawn mower and about any other way they can die, but oh well. I can say that the ones that got killed in true Darwin style weren't the best and brightest of my pets.



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Guest Mushijobah

In before shit-storm?


Its a dog who gives a fuck. I got pets, love them and all that shit, but when it comes down to it there not a human. At least you didn't hit some dumb kid trying to save there dumb dog. I jumped my truck over a nice hill once and landed on a dog on the other side. the poor fucker never had a chance and it sure was funny hearing it squeak as a tire landed on it. My wife laughed so hard I thought she was going to pass out.


I've had countless animals hit by cars where I used to live. I've had them run under the lawn mower and about any other way they can die, but oh well. I can say that the ones that got killed in true Darwin style weren't the best and brightest of my pets.



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Guest shua
I hit and killed a dog off Bethel road a few months ago. Little thing literally ran INTO my car and killed himself. Hurt my car pretty bad though. There was no owner in sight, and it was definately dead. I called the police station and they were like "wtf are you bugging us for?".


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Its a dog who gives a fuck. I got pets, love them and all that shit, but when it comes down to it there not a human. At least you didn't hit some dumb kid trying to save there dumb dog. I jumped my truck over a nice hill once and landed on a dog on the other side. the poor fucker never had a chance and it sure was funny hearing it squeak as a tire landed on it. My wife laughed so hard I thought she was going to pass out.


I've had countless animals hit by cars where I used to live. I've had them run under the lawn mower and about any other way they can die, but oh well. I can say that the ones that got killed in true Darwin style weren't the best and brightest of my pets.





Maybe next time, you will be the one under the tire or better yet .......one of your kids if a dumbass such as yourself can even produce. Then think of karma

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Guest hotrodmama024
It sucks that you hit a dog Thorne, and i know you would feel bad, anyone with a heart would feel bad... But it is the owners responsibilty to control his animal. I actually had a dog hit my car. Came running straight into me. By that time i was already stopped, and he ran smack into my license plate, yelped and ran away, neighbors came out and said that damn dog should have been on a leash. Animals are stupid, but there owners are to blame for stupidity like that. End of story. I have not once had an animal get hit... guess i have been fortunate. Or maybe I just know how to control my animals.
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Guest hotrodmama024
Its a dog who gives a fuck. I got pets, love them and all that shit, but when it comes down to it there not a human. At least you didn't hit some dumb kid trying to save there dumb dog. I jumped my truck over a nice hill once and landed on a dog on the other side. the poor fucker never had a chance and it sure was funny hearing it squeak as a tire landed on it. My wife laughed so hard I thought she was going to pass out.


I've had countless animals hit by cars where I used to live. I've had them run under the lawn mower and about any other way they can die, but oh well. I can say that the ones that got killed in true Darwin style weren't the best and brightest of my pets.




Case point.... BAD PET OWNER!

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Lol you guys are great. Come on tell me more. Ask anyone that knows me personally. I love all animals (except spiders.) and they always love me. Even the ones that they owners think are hard ass old dogs that bite people. I can't help if some animal runs out in the road. Same with a kid. sure it would be sad, but if I raised a kid dumb enough to run out into a road then oh well let the strong survive.



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Lol you guys are great. Come on tell me more. Ask anyone that knows me personally. I love all animals (except spiders.) and they always love me. Even the ones that they owners think are hard ass old dogs that bite people. I can't help if some animal runs out in the road. Same with a kid. sure it would be sad, but if I raised a kid dumb enough to run out into a road then oh well let the strong survive.





My dog Big Joe is a very good boy. BUT he does get very excited because he loves people. He wants to greet them and shit. He has ran out the door a couple times before out of pure excitement of being a younger dog. Did that mean I'm a bad pet owner. It was a accident. I've seen plenty of fucked up parents allow there kids to do way worse but we as society do what we can to cover up there fuck ups. I've almost hit more kids then animals.


Evan your a tool if you think it has to do with how you raise them. Your telling me a young child would know any better? I've seen 7-10 year olds get excited and run out into the street after a ball or other various toys. Does that mean there stupid no. It means they're a kid.

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