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??? for the body guys


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I am re-painting my fuel tank on the bike and had a few questions. I had to get into what I believe is called blocking under the primer and sanded the whole tank but not completely down to metal in all areas. Then primed. It doesnt look bad but there are a few spots that arent as smooth as I would like them. Any suggestions?




1. Will bondo stick to primer

2. Will glazing putty stick to primer


Thanks in advance

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When you say that some areas aren't as smooth as you would like, do you mean the texture of the primer/paint, or that you have some areas that aren't straight? Polyester filler (bondo) really should go directly on the bare metal that has been hit with at least 120 grit paper, 80 grit would probably be better. As for your glazing putty, that can go on top of primer if necessary after you've sprayed and sanded your guide coat.
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you really need to take that tank in some areas down to metal, especially in the spots where there are decals.. the decals are cleared in.

easiest thing to do is use paint stripper, strip the tank to metal, sand fix any dents or dings, sand, prime, sand, then paint.


yes how is the project going. apparently ready to run besides paint??

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I wish it was ready to run. I have purchased and waiting for a few parts I either need or dont feel like fixing what I have. Hopefully by friday they will be here. There has been a few unexpected things I have found throughout the project. I was hoping that everything from a 97 would bolt directly to a 98 and vice versa. However it hasnt been the case. Most things are very similar, just off enough to piss me off. As of now, I have repaired all the fairings, including sanding and primering. Except for the upper fairing, which should come this week. I have been lucky to have what was busted or broken on the keeper bike to be good on the donor bike. The fuel tank had a small dent in it and I decided to repair it, thus the original questions. I still have a few wire issues I have to work out. Wires and connectors that were ripped off when the bike was wrecked. I am working my way through each piece using the old bike and the manual Hoblick sent me. I am mainly having difficulties at this point figuring out exactly how the front fairing assembly all goes together. I am not ready to bolt everything up, but I have been going through the pieces so I am ready once that point approaches. Work hasnt allowed me as much time to work on it as I had hoped but its coming along. I am planning on leaving the pieces primed through this season and painting them this winter. I am still hoping to have a 100% free bike once its all said and done and I sell off my un-needed parts. I am still looking for a few misc. parts if anyone knows someone who has a 97 or 98 cbr900rr lying around.


Ryan I tried to call you the night you hit me up and the day after but it never went through.

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Oh and someone please correct me if I am wrong but it seems as though there is some sort of leveling compound under the primer that I must have gotten into when sanding and that is where my uneveness is coming from. I primered to help locate any irregularities in the paint. It was a completely bare tank when I started. No decals. If it wasnt for the dent, it would have been perfect. Hopefully alittle work with the glazing putty and it will be as good as new.
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since this has to do with body work I have a little question of my own. (Sorry I'm not trying to thread jack) On my front fenders right above the wheels I have bare metal showing on each fender. What body work can I do to save this from rusting?
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since this has to do with body work I have a little question of my own. (Sorry I'm not trying to thread jack) On my front fenders right above the wheels I have bare metal showing on each fender. What body work can I do to save this from rusting?


Sand, primer and paint.

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since this has to do with body work I have a little question of my own. (Sorry I'm not trying to thread jack) On my front fenders right above the wheels I have bare metal showing on each fender. What body work can I do to save this from rusting?

if it is light and you plan on getting it properly fixed before snow and salt become present again use some clear nail polish....



as for the thread starter use a sanding block and smooth everything out as much as possible then spray a guide coat of primer then block out your problem areas again. Repeat till you are happy if; if it is a deeper dent then use some spot bondo and block it out and do the guide coat deal again. just make sure you sand the final primer coat down smooth with 600 grit so the sand scratches wont show up in the final coats.

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