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Thoughts on Photo Radar Ticket Prevention


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Just got back from court with my wife (lawyer) and she successfully got a red light ticket on our Van kicked out. Pretty smooth work but nonetheless a PIA for us to go to court, but it saved us $95.


What are your thoughts on the below items? Anyone use them? Looking at the pics they sent us in the mail, I'm not too convinced the covers that blurr the images from angles will work 100%, and I also don't want a cop to drive behind me in say a blind spot see the warped image....which possibly could happen.


I like this one as it's clear even on the images where she was caught, a nice sunny day, that the camera used a flash. This would certainly work in that case.


I don't mind trying it for $20, but input appreciated.



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Yes and everything failed except the flip license plate


they failed on the top speed run do to the fact they didnt have enough room. topgear did beat the camera but had to do 170mph + to do so. not very pracical but doable.


but yeah what angle was used to get out of the ticket?

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there is another cover that ive seen online, that doesnt exactly reflect, it just kind of blocks out your plate. but the thing is, it only blocks it out from the camera angle. its kind of like a venetian blind for your plate. if you are behind the car, you can see the plate just fine and dandy, but if you are up 10 feet in the air, looking down, its like ray charles, and you cant see shit.
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I wouldn't run red lights. I'll bet that will stop them from ticketing you.


meh, the state will just find some other way to steal your money. just like their parking meters. im convinced those things are set up to rob you of your money. i cant count how many times ive put money into a meter and it didnt do shit. then you get a 20 dollar ticket too :rolleyes:


its fucking bullshit. its obvious its a system designed to take your money out of your pocket and put it into the city's.

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it was easy, the officer who signed the ticket didn't show. no one did. :D unlike a freeway cop, they hardly ever do. especially when you get the first slot on the docket....the fuck stick signing the tickets likely works afternoons and didn't want to make the trek downtown to fight a photo ticket.


she was prepared to go to court though knowing that 99.9% never will. the photos printed appeared blurry and on our copy you couldn't tell what two of the letters were, not clearly...so she filed to get a copy of the originals plus the video. etc......they would have settled for like $50 or something.


she only did it because she had to be down at court anyhow. I just went to watch her negotiate. I love her :cool:


it's a racket. I'm going to order the reflective one and the blur cover both and use either one or both and run some tests at the house. I know I can make it work, I've just been a little lazy. IR & video cameras are something I have to research. Where there's a will there's a way



wish I would have known about these a month ago.......$95 for a red light!!!


BTW - how did you get out of yours?

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it was a rolling right on red, so it's not like she blasted through a four way. speed indicated was 6mph :rolleyes: fuck the city, they get enough tax dollars, they ain't getting shit from me.


I wouldn't run red lights. I'll bet that will stop them from ticketing you.
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lol It would cost me more in time off from work to fight one than its worth. I've never fought a ticket and don't plan to. especially since I'd have near 0 chance of winning.

Its definately a racket. cops should be out doing real work instead of collecting taxes.

I find it funny that I see severe things happen all day long on the road and no ones ever around to ticket them. Something needs to change, but I doubt anything ever will.



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Our justice system at work. Break the law, complain, and get let go.


Nice :thumbup:





Dude its a bullshit law designed to generate revenue. A simple google search of "statistics on red light cameras effect on accidents" will give you many news articles citing that there has been no change in accidents and/or rear ending becomes more common at these intersections. Heres one:


Upon installation, the cameras caused an immediate 40 percent increase in rear-end collisions from 53 in 1999 to 74 in 2000. Overall accidents were up between 25 percent and 41 percent from 107 in 1999 to 134 in 2001 and 151 in 2002.




So if safety is the main concern, then this must be:


So far, $2.85 million in revenue has been generated.
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they actually took 'em out of my home city because they were causing so many accidents


a few people died when a big semi locked up its brakes and crashed (was carrying a coil of steel)




definitely just for revenue

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I wouldn't run red lights. I'll bet that will stop them from ticketing you.




I just hope someone running a red light doesn't hit me - I don't want to go to jail for knocking them senseless (more senseless?) for being in such a big as hurry as to endanger me, my family and everyone else - get real - no one is that important!


As to the 6 mph rolling turn on red - just don't do it - especially if you know the camera is there, duh!?!?

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Red light tickets aren't always running a red light. I had an instance where I slammed on my brakes but realized the car behind me had every intention of going thorugh the light still. I decided to go so I wouldn't get rear ended. This was quite evident on the video, but I was told that they "didn't care." They couldn't make exceptions for me because then they were have to make exceptions for everyone elses lame excuses. The ticket said the light had been red for 0.02 seconds when the front of my car hit underneath the camera. $100 down the drain - guess it is better than an accident :-\




I didn't go to court because when I got a speeding ticket (wasn't me) I went to court to fight it and even though the cop and prosecutor admitted that they weren't sure it was me and wanted to drop it to going 69 in a 65, the judge still made me pay the speeding ticket, get the points, and pay court fees. After that I decided it was not worth it to go to court.


Our main news station did a long standing study on red light tickets.. whether they were for safety or revenue. They studied accident reports at intersections before the cameras were installed and after. They studied back to a year before and a year after the installations. The results were the same. Traffic accidents had not increased and they had no decreased. Basically they concluded they were for revenue only.


Oh and I don't think the cameras get you for turning right on red. In my picture and video, you could see a car turning LEFT after me. Clearly a left on red. They said the cameras didn't pick that up because they assumed it was someone going through the other intersection, which had a green light.

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how did you get a speeding ticket that wasnt you?


It was via plane. I drive a 98 Honda Accord so there are millions of them on the road. I saw one fly by me and then saw a copy fly by me with the sirens on. Next thing I know, I see the cop up ahead going really slow. I pass it. It gets behind me and writes me a ticket for going 80 in a 65. I had my cruise control set to 69 and was following my mother and grandmother. Apparently he couldn't catch the other Honda Accord so he just pulled me over instead. My suspicisions were pretty much confirmed when he asked the judge to lower the penalty to 69 in a 65. The cop conveniently didn't write my license plate # on the ticket either. Grr.

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