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taking the plunge, proposal ideas??


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+1 on asking the father. A lot of times, it finally makes you look like a man in the fathers eyes.


Mine was kind of cheesy. I originally told her we were going out to a nice dinner some place. My friend and I started cooking this really nice dinner for us and then I went to go pick her up like normal. He "called" and told me that he needed me to stop by his house and pick something up. So we stopped and went down to his cottage behind his house, where he told me to "meet" him. Anyway, when we opened the door, he was there all nice and dressed up like a waiter and had the dinner all ready for us to eat. So of course I popped the question during dessert. It was just me and her, but that was the way we liked it. Later that night we met up with her family for their big family Christmas get-together, so she got to show off the ring.

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Having been married for the last 12 years I probably have a bit better perspective on the subject than some. It is totally worth it, assuming you start off with the right woman. Make sure the short time you have known her has been adequate to determining if you want to be with her for 60 more years.


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you proposed, it matters how good of a husband you have been when you are both 90.


The wedding is her day, the proposal is your bit to get her there. BTW, you don't get a day in there anywhere.

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+1 on asking the father... I surprised her father by asking him and he surprised me even more by writing up a paper and making me sign it saying that I won't give her back... haha... the jokes on him, it wasn't notorized :-)


in all seriousness... it doesn't have to be a restaurant... you can do it at home... for mine, I told her that my family was all coming over for my father's b-day so she had to leave school early... she gets there, no one is there... there's candle's lit everywhere... fireplace is going... I have presants ALL over the house... it turns into a scavengar hunt for her... each gift symbolizes something that we've been through... then she winds up in the basement where I had a candle lit dinner prepared... we ate, then I asked her...

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a lot more discussion and replies than i thought :) already asked both the mother and father in person. . . both said they would be proud to have me as their son in law :) so that's already good to go. . . still a toss up on the unforgettable time and place to pop the question. . . but you all have some great ideas :)


ALSO. . . i'm perfectly happy with one vagina for the rest of my life. . . because if you find the right one. . . that one vagina is all ya need ;)

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