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Trip Out West - September 4 - 13, 2009


Trip Out West - Are you going? (Don't vote if you're unsure)  

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  1. 1. Trip Out West - Are you going? (Don't vote if you're unsure)

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I think I could do this trip but I might leave a couple days early, I think I need a little head start on Eric. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of riding through the mountains at night with rain, fog and semi's without lights Mr. Earache was still pulling 80+mph with almost no visibility.

Good times;)

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I think I could do this trip but I might leave a couple days early, I think I need a little head start on Eric. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of riding through the mountains at night with rain, fog and semi's without lights Mr. Earache was still pulling 80+mph with almost no visibility.

Good times;)

That did kinda suck, didn't it? We most likely won't do much night riding on this trip - with the exception of a blast through the desert at night to look at stars. Sounds gay, but it's one of the coolest things to do. Stars go from horizon to horizon and are beyond bright out in the dez. Really cool.

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That did kinda suck, didn't it? We most likely won't do much night riding on this trip - with the exception of a blast through the desert at night to look at stars. Sounds gay, but it's one of the coolest things to do. Stars go from horizon to horizon and are beyond bright out in the dez. Really cool.

when I was a kid, I was in boy scouts, we went to Haliburton Canada for summer camp. it was amazing to look up at the sky, so much stuff you could never see because of all the light poloution. I think it was something like 200 miles to the nearest city. I'd love to see something like that again

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That did kinda suck, didn't it? We most likely won't do much night riding on this trip - with the exception of a blast through the desert at night to look at stars. Sounds gay, but it's one of the coolest things to do. Stars go from horizon to horizon and are beyond bright out in the dez. Really cool.

Looking at some of your pics makes next September seem really far away. Every year I want to do a trip like the one planned but it never works out, next year will be different. Eric I need to come out to indy one weekend and check out your shop maybe you could teach me a thing or two. I am going to CNC some lifters for my bike, do you think you could help me weld on tabs to my swingarm?

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I think I could do this trip but I might leave a couple days early, I think I need a little head start on Eric. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of riding through the mountains at night with rain, fog and semi's without lights Mr. Earache was still pulling 80+mph with almost no visibility.

Good times;)

The fog and rain sucked. I couldn't see anything. Then we finally get to the hotel, and Bill literally poured water out of his boots into the toilet. They still left a puddle at the restaurant.


Looking at some of your pics makes next September seem really far away. Every year I want to do a trip like the one planned but it never works out, next year will be different. Eric I need to come out to indy one weekend and check out your shop maybe you could teach me a thing or two. I am going to CNC some lifters for my bike, do you think you could help me weld on tabs to my swingarm?

If you go, let me know. I'll head out there with you.

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when I was a kid, I was in boy scouts, we went to Haliburton Canada for summer camp. it was amazing to look up at the sky, so much stuff you could never see because of all the light poloution. I think it was something like 200 miles to the nearest city. I'd love to see something like that again

+1 I've been on a couple fishing trips where we flew in by seaplane to the camps. The sky was so clear up there we could literally watch satellites going across the sky. Pretty crazy stuff...

I think I'm going to need a new camera to take on this trip! :dj:

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Eric I need to come out to indy one weekend and check out your shop maybe you could teach me a thing or two. I am going to CNC some lifters for my bike, do you think you could help me weld on tabs to my swingarm?

My welds suck - but my bud does great welding and he'd do it for you. Plus, my welder is in an unheated room - no mas welding there until Spring!

Let me know when you guys wanna come over, the wife can probably get ya a free hotel room for a night.

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+1 I've been on a couple fishing trips where we flew in by seaplane to the camps. The sky was so clear up there we could literally watch satellites going across the sky. Pretty crazy stuff...

That's it exactly - very cool to see. I'd like to get some pictures of it, but they come out like shit every time I attempt it. Need to get a good tripod for some shots.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I....... can't........ wait.........

And it's only 9 months away!

I'm heading to Santa Fe in 10 days and will post pictures from there as I take'em. Can't wait for that trip.

Also, if anyone wants to head out that way earlier - say June-ish - let me know. I have 6 weeks of vacation to burn and it looks like my trip to Italy ain't gonna happen this year. I also wouldn't mind doing the Finger Lakes Region of New York.

So, I 'll have plenty of time to head west on a bike this summer. Just say when and I'm there!

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The fog and rain sucked. I couldn't see anything. Then we finally get to the hotel, and Bill literally poured water out of his boots into the toilet. They still left a puddle at the restaurant.


If you go, let me know. I'll head out there with you.

I can remember that like it was yesterday, that and the hair inside my boots to dry 'em out. Squish Squish Squish. Good time though! Ben & I learned we can stay upright when the monsoon came by with the car hauler. Praying, braking and have a bowel movement all at the same time. Now that I think about it may be it wasn't water in my boots...

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I can remember that like it was yesterday, that and the hair inside my boots to dry 'em out. Squish Squish Squish. Good time though! Ben & I learned we can stay upright when the monsoon came by with the car hauler. Praying, braking and have a bowel movement all at the same time. Now that I think about it may be it wasn't water in my boots...

*hair dryer

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I can remember that like it was yesterday, that and the hair inside my boots to dry 'em out. Squish Squish Squish. Good time though! Ben & I learned we can stay upright when the monsoon came by with the car hauler. Praying, braking and have a bowel movement all at the same time. Now that I think about it may be it wasn't water in my boots...

Good times.... Good times.....

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sooo tempting...is this more of a relaxed ride ?...might be interested but ide defetanlly take the vstar for this long ride ahh?

I am planning on going and I have a '07 V-Star Silverado 650. I made the Tennesse ride and the moutain on the way down I had balls to the wall and could only push 80 mph but overall she was fun to ride and made me come back for more.

Tell you what you go and I'll be there hanging w/ya. I plan on bringing my GPS. Ben (Casper) is a courteous rider and I'll ride with him anytime.

We can discuss more in detail send me private message.

Overall I think your V-Star will do fine.



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I think I could do this trip but I might leave a couple days early, I think I need a little head start on Eric. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of riding through the mountains at night with rain, fog and semi's without lights Mr. Earache was still pulling 80+mph with almost no visibility.

Good times;)

What more can I say...


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Awesome shots !! .....and so tempting.......the only problem I have is my schedule in that semester.......when you guys think is dealine for finalizing the trip/booking the hotels etc.....I mean in a ballpark.......

Ballpark? Sometime between now and then. :lol:

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Awesome shots !! .....and so tempting.......the only problem I have is my schedule in that semester.......when you guys think is dealine for finalizing the trip/booking the hotels etc.....I mean in a ballpark.......

I can go anytime at all - it's others that have time constraints.

Don't need to firm up the htoels until about a month before the departure date. This won't be the high tourist season, so we should be able to get in anywhere we want to go. Santa Fe will be the only one that'll be tough at all.

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What more can I say...


We don't all have to ride together in a line like a bunch of Harley riders, just have daily check points - hotel locations - to meet at each night.

The route to the first night's hotel will be "I-70 West, Exit #11, in Missouri" and the second night's hotel is "I-70 West, Exit #112 in Colorado" so it'll be really easy to meet up each night.

I normally ride in the mid 90's in the daytime and a few MPH less at night. Certainly don't expect everyone to do the same - ride at a pace you're comforatble with and we'll all have a great time.

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Shit, I just realized this trip is during the first 2 weeks of Ohio State's football season....so there is a strong possibility I might be out for this one.

Maybe we can move this up a bit? Gonna be cold titties in the mountains in September.

Has anyone already got their vacation time locked for this?

On a side note;who gives a shit about football????

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