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Anyone know details on IPHONE?


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I just saw an ad on tv that its coming out on the 29 of this month and it seems pretty cool. Only thing is that I looked all around for details and there isnt anything really on the price of plans, phone, etc


Anyone know where to find some details on that stuff?

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I thought the provider was going to be AT&T, but that is just what i heard. Also I am pretty sure the phone itself costs $500.



That could be it, something with a "T" lol. I'm biased towards Verizon for now, so until I see the iphone perform in person I'll stick with what I got.

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My brother n law is getting one he just read an article thay apple right now has 3 million I phones ready to ship. 499 40gb and 599 80gb. the plan for airtime with AT&T(cingular) is not included in that price. There is a monthly bill.
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What's the difference between this and a Treo 700W or 700WX? I have a 700W. It has mobile versions of IE, WMP, Word, Excel, etc. It has an SD card slot for MP3s and movies. It has a touch screen. Is all the hoopla because it's just an Apple?


(Typed from my 700W)

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I don't like the Palm Treo's b/c the buttons are so small. I'm also looking at the Verizon VX PDA. I have a renewal contract coming up so I'd like to get a neat little phone. I got the V when it first came out like 2 years ago and now I'm bored with it.
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I really hope they'll be able to make them for Verizon users. I really want one.


AT&T has an exclusive contract with apple for three to five years I think I read somewhere. I have verizon also. :( I will use my brother in laws and if I like it enough I may make the switch if their network is reliable. I haven't read anythig. Any opinions from current cingular/at&t users?

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Yeah its a neat little phone Apple came to Verizon first but we rejected it due to Apple wanting control over those customers with the phone.


Which is what you have to look foward to if you do get that phone (Example: If there is something wrong with the phone you can't just go into a store and have it looked at and or replaced if you need it to be. You have to ship the phone back to Apple ect ect)


But you already know other companies are working on a similar phone I know for a fact Samsung and LG are so I'm sure all the other carriers will have a similar phone shortly..

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