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anxiety question

Chad is Dead

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I've come to believe that I think I have anxiety problems and it's been messing w/ me for the past 5 yrs or so. Do I just go to a regular doctor to discuss this and possible meds or some kind of a specialist? And is anyone on here currently taking meds for this because I don't want to be completely numb to shit. Or any other ideas on how to make it not as bad? Right now I feel I'm trying to self medicate myself w/ alcohol because that's when I can kind of chill the fuck out.
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yes start with a family doctor and they may be able to address the issue if not they will referr you to a specailist.


My sister has simular problems anxiety and panic attacks. She is on meds for it and they have really helped out.

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Guest sti06
I had major anxiety for a while after I was carjacked the first time I lived in Columbus. Treatment usually involves a mix of counseling with medication because you will never get past your issues without talking to someone. All medicine does is ease the anxiety. It doesn't make it go away. And alcohol is the worst thing for you when you have anxiety/depression. It works against your medication.
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Is it just me or does anyone else think this is an extremely personal subject to post on a forum with 4000+ stranger's?


Either way I feel for you, i know a girl who's gone through alot in the past 2 years and she's taking an anti-anxiety right now. Doesn't make her drowsy or knock her out, but doesn't make her overly happy either. Just make's her "normal" I guess.


You should consider seeing a phychiatrist as well, she does and it really helps. Medication seem's to be just one part of the equation, you really need to talk about stuff too. It helps. Goodluck man.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Quit smoking the reefer.


This actually helps.... btw


You need to see your family doctor. I have anxiety issues, i also have a lot of stomach issues, anxiety attacks, and ulcers. They will probably try starting you off on a anti-depressant's. Dont let them. Check out your drugs before trying them as well. I had 4 doctors try this with me, until i met one that gave me pure anxiety meds plus stomach muscle relaxers. Those are awesome!!

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I looked this up and it says its habit forming and hard to stop taking and that it also causes drowsiness and dizziness.....doesn't sound like something I would like to take.


My wife takes it, but she only takes it when she needs too. So its not habit forming for her, however it does cause drowsiness and such. You will go through several medications to find one that is right for you. But I agree with everyone else, you need to talk about stuff. Good luck!



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i used to get pretty anxious. i stopped drinking caffeine and would occasionally drink a beer or smoke a cig when it got too much (yes, i know). the caffeine purge really helped. listening to soothing music also worked well for me.


smoking weed would make me unbelievably anxious for weeks after, so i would stay away from it.

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Agree this a personal subject but sometimes if you are going thru a rough time you want to talk to someone you dont even know if that makes any sense.Been there and have taking meds.Drinking will make it worse and meds are a temporary fix.I have had anxiety attacks before no fun for sure.My problem is I worry to much but I know why I worry and just deal with it one day at a time.Not alone man.
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Quit smoking the reefer.

Or smoke better.



Personally I take Neorotin because it works for anxiety and for my nerves in my kneck. Plus welbutrin which sadly can cause more anxiety. I was on Xanax but I found that it just made me stoned so i did not care.

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