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Went out for Milk.. came home with..


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  HotCarl said:
None of it makes sense john. First the bike, now this. It's like your a completely different person....



or something.


+1, i thought the house was supposed to come before the car? congrats anyways!

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Im not hating the 4g63 hah, but this is more reliable :D


And NO it wasnt the "best" I could do. I test drove a C5 and a C5 Z06, but the Vettes are not something I could have daily driven. Doesnt seat more than 2, not much room in trunk... not enough for all my gear at least. Just not practical.


I think its 2% - at least thats what it looks like the rear windows were tinted at hah


Car before house, I save about $200 a month more now driving this hoopty


I didnt get free milk, but a free tank of gas! WOWOWOW! hah


And actually Ive racked about 50miles on it now and have YET to floor it. The red and the tinted windows will definitely get me pulled over more now :( Im debating on putting a front plate on it.. wait I didnt say that :D


Pics coming soon.. got home too late to take.. gym time was more important heh (thats actually a low res phone pic of cluster.. not too too bad)

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^ none just yet.. I will go snap a few camera phone shots in a bit.

I literally drove it off the lot at like 7:30, by the time I got home from the gym i realized I left my F'NG HOUSE KEYS in my buddys car, so I hopped on roommates bike and picked them up.. too late for pics then.

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Itll be a few months I think.. I really need to sit down and figure how much I want to spend on mods first.. I still want to buy a new bike in the spring and a house in the summer.

I will at least get essentials though! LTs, catback, cam, intake, tune :D

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