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craigslist idiots.


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some of you may recall me posting the tree frogs for sale a few days ago. well, i also posted on craigslist...see here




so right away i get like 3 emails over night. one girl interested, then nothing, so i go to the next woman. she said she was interested, and set up a time to come over tonight to get them.


so today comes around, she shows up when she said she would, with her husband, i get the tank put into a garbage bag, so if any excess water leaks, it wont get on their carpet in the car or anything. i ask her if they need help carrying it down, she says no. i said ok...so they start walking for the door, and im thinking "maybe she just forgot to give me the money or the husband has it" so i asked her "can i have the 65$ please?"


she goes "what? i thought the frogs were free?". i said "yes, i listed them as free because craigslist does not allow animal sales. i explained to her that the post does say that the tank set up will be 65$ and the frogs would go with it at no extra cost. (its a bad ass tank set up...probably close to 120$ wrapped up into it...65$ is more than fair, since its all <3 months old). so she tells me again she thought that it was free, like im gonna let her walk out of my apartment with 120$ set up and 3 frogs that cost me 20$. um...no.



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I put my cockatoo up on there and a $200 "adoption fee". I was getting e-mails stating that the adoption fee was crazy. I guess going to petland and spending 1K + on one just like mine is better..
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I missed the FS post, but it looks like a real neat setup. I did a little searching into their care. I've got two stupid questions. Do they make much noise (frogs and feeder crickets at night)? and how do you handle them for cleaning the terrarium, is it okay to just pick them up?


Excuse my ignorance, I know nothing about frog care.

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Oh yea the frogs can make noise. Don't know how to describe it. Like a loud "ret" "ret" "ret". Will catch you by surprise first time you hear it. They should also be kept between 72F and 80F during the day. 65 is fine at night. Also misting the cage once or twice during the day is needed generally also. Although if you use the "waterfall" effect his setup has that wont be needed. They are great pets. His enclosure is nice too. I wouldn't mind taking them off his hands myself. Although if I get any new herps it will prolly be a legless variety. Good luck hope they go to a good home.
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That's classic...they thought they were going to get all of that for free? Now I did read your ad and would suggest perhaps putting the below in bold on the line before the link to your pics. Absolutely no confusion then.


$65 for Complete Setup - Frogs are Free with purchase.

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