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Lost a dear friend


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This past saturday, I got a call from Jonni saying that our dog Ready (yes Ready is her name) wasnt feeling good. Jonni works at an animal hospital so we took her in. She was being extremely lethargic and her gums were very pale. Well, we took xrays to check for internal bleeding which was most likely the case since she had pale gums and NO energy. The xrays all looked normal except the area where the liver met the spleen. It seemed as if there was no distinction of the two organs.... Meaning there could be a mass, or one of the two organs was inflamed. This area is most likely where the internal bleeding was happening so we aspirated the area and sure enough the syringe filled with blood.

At this point we had to make a quick decision to figure out if it was the liver or the spleen. If the spleen is the problem that can be removed and the dog would hopefully be ok... the liver, well not so much. This hospital did not have an ultrasound machine so I carried Ready to the car and we rushed to OSU Vet Hospital.

She did not do well on the car ride and as I carried her in, she was basically dying in my arms. This was extremely painful for Jonni and I. Ive never had an animal I cared for so much just die in my arms like that. She started breathing slower and we finally got her to the back area where they put her to sleep painlessly.

Ready was the best dog ever, she was so sweet and loving. I just hope she died as peacefully as possible. She will be missed.

RIP READY :cry: :cry: :cry::(


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it is horrible losing a dog. I had one die in my arms and swore I was never going to have another dog cause it hurt so bad but now I have 3 more. There is nothing like the compainship you get from a dog. Sorry for your loss.

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Ive never had an animal I cared for so much just die in my arms like that.

I am sorry for your loss. I know what its like to have a dog die in your arms, it happened to my wife and I with our dog DJ... http://www.davidrosso.com/dj.htm

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Lost a good, smart one a couple years ago. Hand dug a 5 foot deep x 4 foot wide x 5 foot long grave in solid clay on an 85 degree day in july for a 100# mutt.

Couldnt see what I was doing the whole time through the sweat and tears.

Now I have a retarded lab. It gets better.

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