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Best way to kill a pest.....?


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OK, not sure what the hell is in my basement. I am thinking it is a mouse or mice. I started seeing droppings. Well, I got several glue traps and like 2 snap traps. Well, the sob has gotten out of two glue traps and snapped one trap and got away with my Jiffy butter. I wised up yesterday and bought 12 snap traps, put a few of them butt to butt. I also bought 8 more glue traps. I was told if a regular field mouse gets in that glue they are not strong enough to get out....well, this thing has done it twice. I found a little hole where they may have been coming in, so I bought so instaFoam and sprayed in that hole. Damn near used the whole can. I stopped spraying before the hole closed up. I hate the fact there is something in there that sees me, but I cant see it. It's in the unfinished part of my basement where water heater, washer/dryer is..Oh, someone told me it could be mole in there cause they are bigger and have the strength to get off the glue...FYI, if it's a decent size and I see it....it might catch a .45....lol!
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forget the glue. Get the larger sizes snap traps not the chicken shit little ones


If it is a small rodent....takes too much pressure to set off the larger rat traps. That could be "overkill".



seriously, though, poison the fuck out of them


Got a pup...Not a good idea....

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Glue traps FTW. I have dealt with many mice and rats of various sizes with this approach. My secret is simple logic: DON'T PLUG THAT HOLE! If you know where it's getting in and out from, then you are that much closer to trapping it. Plug the hole, and it will just make another in a more remote location. I keep one sticky trap right on the ledge next to the hole, which is in my garage at the top of the block foundation. For a sure-kill, I put another trap on the ground right below it. If anything gets stuck in the trap and thinks it will get out by squirming, TRAP SANDWICH FTMFW! I typically find a few droppings somewhere in the house in a few weeks, and head out to the garage to collect the dead rodent. Apply 2 new traps, wash hands, repeat...
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Killed a lil mouse lastnight with snap trap. Eating dinner and heard SNAP! Me and GF looked at each other and smiled. It was still alive...caught his leg. I dumped bleach on it, put in Wal-mart bag in knot and tossed in dumpster...
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Rough way to go out of this world :eek: At least you caught one of them.....likely more.


Had no business in my place...Oh, it was still attached to the trap in the plastic bag. I still have all the other traps set. Bleach should be dry today, so I'll place new traps in that same place for his boys.

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