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Interesting day so far and its only 10am


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so far i have had a crazy day and its only 10 am...story time kids gather around...


so i am driving down a city road pull into a parking lot where an autobody shop is (need some supplies) wasn't speeding wasnt pushing the car hard its 9am lol i was still sleepy...pull in go to get out of the car and look over and there is a cop beside me with its lights on ....both cops proceed to just out of the car yelling at me to stay in the car motherfucker.....i was like holy jesus what the hell....tried to think what i did...wasn't speeding....used my turn signal and all that fun stuff....they sand by the car with guns drawn mind you so i knew it was some serious shit....they tell me to hold my hand out the window and open the car...get out slowly with hands on my head fingers interlocked walk backwards....i was freaking out cause i had no clue what i did no warrants at all, no tickets outstanding...one officer puts me in the cruiser they ask if i have anything illegal in the car i say no they search my car and stuff....i ask 6 times why they are holding me they say they have suspicion the car is stolen......WOW ummmmm why is that....because we saw that your center console is all torn out...which it was i am working on my carPC.....i say is that really enough to pull me out of my car they say we can lol....so eventually everything checks out,,,,they ask why my console is like that i tell them ....i was not once rude or a dick to them or a smartass... he then says i can go and he is giving me a warning for my exhaust cause its loud lol and to get my front plate on my car


so that is my day lol i think it was all a bit much but hey whatever at least they are looking for stolen civics :)

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Wow. I would not have allowed them to search my car. I would have requested a warrant. having my dash taken apart is not probable cause. I've had many a cars with dashs torn apart where they had been broken in to.


Sounds like a hell of a day so far.

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i just kept thinking today is a bad day to get tazered/shot/locked up/car impounded lol


i just wanted it all over with quite embarrassing people were all watching lol then i go into the autobody store and they look at me like im a criminal

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Maybe they had a boring night and jumped on the chance to do something... I know back when I lived in Dublin the police would pull me over just to talk about my mods.


Good to hear that you didnt make any sudden movements!!!

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Either sounds like your car came back with a PARTIAL hit on stolen (which DOES happen)... or youre not telling us more of the story.... or... They had NO right what so ever to do what just happened to you. Who stopped you anyway?
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the cops "claimed" that a red civic carbon fiber hood 2 door that was stolen and im guessing they thought i messed with the dash when i supposedly stole it...i figured the plates would come back not stolen though meaning the car wasnt but i guess someone could always steal someones plates too...but i would hope they wouldnt choose shweet hahahaha
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Oh my God, I would've had a fucking field day with those cops.


They could've left you in the car and ran the VIN. Fucking dicks. I personally would file an official complaint with their department, maybe even contact a lawyer. Make them show you the report saying a car matching your car's description was stolen. Then have them explain their protocol for handling situations like this. Is, "stay in the car motherfucker" part of their training? If you file a complaint, the tape will be reviewed and those officers will most likely be reprimanded. If you contact a lawyer, we'll all stand and clap.


That's definitely harassment dude.

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I had a car stolen once , it was found 2 weeks later and given back to me soon after that. The first day I had the car back I was pulled over in Hilliard after being surrounded by the police. I was asked for my license and registration and told that my car came up on the stolen list. After my license was run I was told to go on my way and was even apologized to for being pulled over. I was not told to get out of the car and did not have a gun drawn on me , and I had a mullet and a IROC.

Where were you when you was pulled over ?


Maybe the cops do not like ricers? :)

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