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Does anyone know a home remedy for a ear ache that works? I am pretty sure its infected but The doctors are not open till tommorow.



I've taken Ibuprhoen and asprin already with no relief. It feels like so much pressure.





WTH if anyone else has any good home remedys post them up.

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try some ear candles.


ear candles.

most any health food store will have them.

they work great.

just follow the directions.

after your done, put a couple drops of collodial silver in your ear.

yep, just drop it right in.

our entire family uses it.

if you continue use of the silver, you wont get any more ear infections.

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if you have any laying around, start taking amoxicillin (sp?). it will fight off the infection. i also hear sweet oil (meijer, kroger) drops will help. also, sleep on a heating pad

I passed out damn it I can't drive myself to the store I'm really fucking dissy from the ears.


I already started Amoxicillin, being a hord of medication that is not expired is a good thing.

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I use to get ear infection's all the time when i was a kid. Does it feel like there's fluid in there? like "popping" for lack of a better word? if so my mom would have me lay down with a heating pad and wet warm wash cloth under my infected ear, as long as the wash cloth is really warm/hot and the heating pad is on most of it will drain. Trust me I use to wake up screaming and crying as a kid b/c it hurt so much, this helps ALOT. It would hold me over till i got to the doc to get ear drops at least.


Every half hour or so I would take a q-tip and clean out what i could, just dont go too far deep into your ear you could make it worst. When it drains and the pressure is relieved it feels 10 times better, goodluck and feel better.

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if you have any laying around, start taking amoxicillin (sp?). it will fight off the infection. i also hear sweet oil (meijer, kroger) drops will help. also, sleep on a heating pad

Antibiotics most of the time, do not work for ear infections. The vast majority of ear infections are viral. Antibiotics are given to make the parent feel better most of the time.

Ear infections are caused by restriction of the eustachian tube. Therefore, the natural drainage of the ear is restricted.


I would do the ear candle thing or this stuff . When I or my kids get an ear infection we go get adjusted to clear the tube and restore drainage.

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I use to get ear infection's all the time when i was a kid. Does it feel like there's fluid in there? like "popping" for lack of a better word? if so my mom would have me lay down with a heating pad and wet warm wash cloth under my infected ear, as long as the wash cloth is really warm/hot and the heating pad is on most of it will drain. Trust me I use to wake up screaming and crying as a kid b/c it hurt so much, this helps ALOT. It would hold me over till i got to the doc to get ear drops at least.


Every half hour or so I would take a q-tip and clean out what i could, just dont go too far deep into your ear you could make it worst. When it drains and the pressure is relieved it feels 10 times better, goodluck and feel better.

yeah idid something liek that and had my butty blow smoke in my ear took the pain away for a few minutes

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Above remedies are good. You may also try: Hot shower, steamy environment. May also try getting drunk, thins the blood which may reuce pressure, and numbs the pain. ;)


Ear pain is the worst pain I've ever felt, and I've had a toe ripped half off by a dull steel bar.

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Antibiotics most of the time, do not work for ear infections. The vast majority of ear infections are viral. Antibiotics are given to make the parent feel better most of the time.

Ear infections are caused by restriction of the eustachian tube. Therefore, the natural drainage of the ear is restricted.


For the most part this is true. I had to have tubes put in my ears when i was a kid to relieve the pressure and drainage problem's. Sounds odd, but think how many time you take a shower/bath or go swimming, inevitably water gets in your ears. I haven't had an ear infection since i was a junior in HS.


I would just go to the doc Thorne, all home remedies aside he will be able to diagnose your real problem and give you something to help. Keep the heating pad handy though, it was the only way i was ever able to sleep with an ear ache.

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Ear aches are the worst, had a few of them. Never heard of this ear candle thing but I'll have to try it sometime as I get ear infections from time to time.


If all else fails go to the doc like said and get you some Vicodin(what they gave me for it) and whatever's needed to help rid the infection.

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I already started Amoxicillin, being a hord of medication that is not expired is a good thing.



Explain that one again? Antibiotics are prescribed to run 'full course' and when you stop taking them before you're done with the course, you risk getting an infection that is antibiotic resistant. Finish the bottle, or don't complain when symptoms come back!

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Explain that one again? Antibiotics are prescribed to run 'full course' and when you stop taking them before you're done with the course, you risk getting an infection that is antibiotic resistant. Finish the bottle, or don't complain when symptoms come back!



I had some from when I went in like right after I had a dentist appointment 2 scripts of amox. kinda pointless to double dose it. So I hord.

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