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TOMTOM users or anyone that knows about these?


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well it depended on how currect your verision is. If you have a older map verision and were to go in a new build/developed area it wouldn't show the streets or the street names. So a year from now it you have to go to a place that is just built the system will not have roads or a addres for that location. THat or if your model doesn't have the most current verision of the map software ( has been sitting in a box for the last 6 months or a year).
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I purchased a TomTom One NG. It seems to have a database of everything I need but I keep reading about maps I can download. Why would I need to download a map if it already has it?


It is to update your existing maps with new streets whenever that happens in the future. Plus you can update interest points like someone else here just said. Also you can get custom maps for other countries??

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