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Is quinn holding out on cleveland to get traded?


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Quinn is a joke that would be the best thing for the browns. I def dont see that happening. People talk about him being the saviour for cleveland but he ISNT. He played for the most overrated college program in the nation. He couldnt win a big game there and wont win much at the NFL level. I wish he would just go away, I was so happy to see him crying on Draft day. But im a Falcons fan so I have enough problems to worry about lol. Yes I do support Vick even besides the ALLEGATIONS against him.
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ALLEGATIONS against him.
Thats the funniest thing I have heard all day.. All that damn proof they have on him. I bet the legal systems gives him a slap on the wrist. But the NFL get him good..



Anyway I'm a 49er fan and pretty happy with the young talent they have.



But back on topic everyone has said enough he sucks FUCK bRADIE QUIN!


Edit: see he sucks so much I spelled his name wrong and I'm not even gonna correct it!!!

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i heard this from kissingsuzykolber.net, so its not my funnah;


basically, Brady Quinn is just not right for Cleveland. Joe Thomas, is. Behold;

Brady Quinn is an Irish Catholic pretty boy from Dublin, OH that went to Notre Dame. Cleveland material? no.

Joe Thomas was gutting seafood when he got drafted. Cleveland material? Fuck yes.

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He'll be successfull, and when he is I'll dig this thread up from the archives.


That day will never come. Brady Quinn most overrated rookie in recent years. And you put successfull and brady quinn in the same sentence thats funny. How good was he at Notre Dame, name just 1 big game he won????? Not almost beating teams like most blind ND fans name the USC game. He isnt clutch at all just overhyped in a crap ivy league where they pretty much play the salvation army.

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That day will never come. Brady Quinn most overrated rookie in recent years. And you put successfull and brady quinn in the same sentence thats funny. How good was he at Notre Dame, name just 1 big game he won????? Not almost beating teams like most blind ND fans name the USC game. He isnt clutch at all just overhyped in a crap ivy league where they pretty much play the salvation army.



Do you ever come up with your own ideas or do you just spew what everyone else ever says?


Football isn't tennis, it's a team sport, it takes a good team to beat good teams. His supporting cast was lackluster to say the least minus Jeff Samardzija. He was a good quarterback on an average team that did nothing. His stats were better than all quaterbacks in the Heisman race, minus the person who should have won, Colt Brennan (best quarterback in College football).


You're just a hater, he's younger than you and hasn't even stepped on the NFL field and will make more than you've ever made in your life.

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Do you ever come up with your own ideas or do you just spew what everyone else ever says?


Football isn't tennis, it's a team sport, it takes a good team to beat good teams. His supporting cast was lackluster to say the least minus Jeff Samardzija. He was a good quarterback on an average team that did nothing. His stats were better than all quaterbacks in the Heisman race, minus the person who should have won, Colt Brennan (best quarterback in College football).


You're just a hater, he's younger than you and hasn't even stepped on the NFL field and will make more than you've ever made in your life.


Are you serious? Really are you serious? I was the first person to write about this in this thread. Maybe if you could read properly you would have seen that. So wouldnt that mean that those comments are my IDEAS!


So im using "ideas" that everyone else has said. It was my own thought of information that I had gathered from everybody else. Thats what people do when they make a point dumbass. Just by saying Colt Breenan deserved to win the Heisman shows me how little you know about sports. Colt Brennan played for Hawaii who is in the WAC. If he was so good why couldnt he even win the WAC?!? Your lover boy Quinn is terrible and thats a fact. True football is a team sports but great players make their team better around them. Quinn couldnt do that in the clutch to save his life. The reason why he isnt on the field yet is because of a holdout. He thinks that he should be paid top 5 draft pick money which he isnt. The Browns knows that, so does the fans everybody but you. All in all you lack of knowledge of football shows through.


Also who says "hater" honestly?

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He thinks that he should be paid top 5 draft pick money which he isnt. The Browns knows that, so does the fans everybody but you. All in all you lack of knowledge of football shows through.


He isn't holding out b/c he wants top 5 draft pick money. He's holding out because he thinks he deserves the money as a longterm NFL starter, which he will be 4th-5th week into the season. And honestly he is the same thing as a first 10 draft pick b/c we all know the Browns are horrible and probably gave up a top 5 pick for next year to get him.


Look at Colt Brennan's numbers and no one can ever come close to matching him. He'll be a huge threat in the NFL. Good quarterbacks have came out of Hawaii.

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He isn't holding out b/c he wants top 5 draft pick money. He's holding out because he thinks he deserves the money as a longterm NFL starter, which he will be 4th-5th week into the season. And honestly he is the same thing as a first 10 draft pick b/c we all know the Browns are horrible and probably gave up a top 5 pick for next year to get him.


Look at Colt Brennan's numbers and no one can ever come close to matching him. He'll be a huge threat in the NFL. Good quarterbacks have came out of Hawaii.


Yes he is holding out for that reason. Why do you think days leading up to the draft he was doing his number 1 pick campaign. By him falling all the way down to 22 (i think) he lost about 10-15million. He feels he deserves what Joe Thomas gets and probably more than that. The problem for Quinn his lofty expectations and actual reality are not matching up for him. I wouldnt be surprised if he was the last of the first round rookies to sign.


I do agree with you that Colt is a really good qb. I know his offensive production is second to none. What kills him is the conference he plays in. I will also agree that he will be a good NFL qb.

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