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Attempted Theft!!!


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My buddy Delaney and I were leaving the the gym at Sawmill Village apts at around 4am this morning. He had his car (91 5.0) parked along the side of one of the buildings. As we were driving by in my car we noticed that someone was in his car! So we drive about 30 yards down the parking lot and call the police. There had been multiple break-ins at this apt complex so we assumed he was after the radio and nothing more...wrong...about 5mins after we noticed this was going on we decided to start walking to the car and whatever happens happens, thats when we hear the car START!


The guy then turns directly in our direction, and guns it. We both jump into my car and start chasing his ass through the parking lot. He makes the only wrong turn that you can make in that entire complex to fuck himself. He jumps the curb, almost hits a pine tree, stalls the car in the grass and then takes off. Fucking insanity! Cops show up about 5mins after this incident, they file the report. Car is fucked up. Craziness...


End Story

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you didnt chase him down on foot? i would have been after him like white on rice


Yea, we chased him for about a minute. He had a good 50 yard head start on us. We were both wearing sandals too boot. He started running faster when I started yelling random shit like "Where you goin dude!? You forgot your car!!"

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Thats fucking gay man i had some assholes try to steal my 5.0 a couple years back caught them in the act, ripped the guy outta the car and kicked his fucking face out the back of his head. the worthington police who are good friends on my family took him to jail and said to me thanks for giving him what he deserved, haha, and I have had to put a new steering colum in the car and the turn signals havent worked since..


Stupid ass people leave nice cars alone nothing worse that messing with someones car....

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That sucks. Too bad you didn't catch him. Years ago when I lived in Santa Ana, Ca, I had a car stolen. They found the culprits a few days later across town and called me. When I got there, there was one guy left in the back of a squad car who sat their smiling at me. I flew off the handle and went to the cop car and proceded to yank him out and start kicking the shit out of him. Funny thing is, one of the cops saw me coming and left the cruiser door open. After getting in a couple good licks, they pulled me off of him and then proceded to tell me they'd let me go at him if we weren't in a public setting. lol My radio had been stolen a week earlier at school and when questioned, I told the truth about it. The cops kept asking me, "Are you sure it was stolen before and not this time?" Are you sure, are you sure, etc. Finally, I was like, "Oh yeah, they must've stolen that, too!" lol
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holy shit I live in this complex and I'm pretty sure I have seen that mustang parked in the back by the garages. I will keep an eye out for this shit from now on.


Thats pretty crazy dude. Yeah, right as we were rolling up he had said that he didnt like parking it there because of the location. Parking in general at that entire complex is amazingly retarded anyway I think.

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Thats pretty crazy dude. Yeah, right as we were rolling up he had said that he didnt like parking it there because of the location. Parking in general at that entire complex is amazingly retarded anyway I think.


Yeah Im going to rent a garage very soon. Is his stang a white 5.0 by any chance?

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Guest Scooter
Was it a white mustang? My roommate is a Columbus Cop on Sawmill Road, I was chatting with him at my apartment off Hard Road when we heard a call come in about someone stealing a white mustang. He roared out of our apartment complex with his wheels spinning to respond! I wonder if it was the same incident?
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Yeah its a white 5.0


Thats pretty crazy about your buddy going out to respond to it. I didnt catch the one cops name but the other was Jeff Sagan car #172 and I believe the other was car #173 both Columbus PD


And screw you Jimmy! Haha! :asshole:

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