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the best supplement my friends and i have been taking is cellmass. its a type of creatine. people start noticing u look bigger after 2 weeks of using it. it really improves your strength too. protein wise i use designer whey protein because it tastes good and isnt very expensive. both can be found at http://www.discountanabolics.com for much cheaper than gnc.
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Stick with proteins. Dont waste your money on other crap. Protein + eating.

At just 4 months back into the gym, Im a hair below weight of those who look 3 times larger than I do. Dedication.



Werd.. I always saw the best results when I just kept it natural and simple. Stick to the basics when eating and make sure you get enough sleep.

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Werd.. I always saw the best results when I just kept it natural and simple. Stick to the basics when eating and make sure you get enough sleep.


So that's why you are 5'2" and 139lbs! Werd!


J/K man! You are a whore. You can't grow when you are laying down 24/7.

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A good clean diet will do wonders. Stay away from fast foods. Eat plenty of chicken and lean beef. Also, eat often. Get a good breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, right after you work out, and good dinner.

Don't want to eat too much just before you work out. An energy bar or a little caffeine might help. Post workout, I enjoy a protein shake (optimum nutrition). I buy my supplements online at Allstarhealth.com. Make sure you get a good 8 hours of sleep too.

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i was actually about to post a thread like this, as i've recently gotten back to the gym and started using the the weights to build some muscle instead of just getting on the elliptical for ~20 min and being done


something i did want to ask though, as this has happened to me a couple times after working out...i get somewhat of a blurry vision, and i get a sharp headache, almost feels like the back of my eyeballs hurt...after a couple hours, it goes away, and the headache is gone by the next morning after i sleep it off...could this be something to do with nutrion, maybe something i am eating, or not eating?

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99% of supplements are a waste of money, only one i have found that has done any good is creatine, (i buy the cheapest monohydrate i can find, thats all you need)

next a good diet is best, but if your not getting enough protein in your diet like me i use a inexpensive flavored whey, i get from walmart (cheap taste ok).

if you want to waste your money on worthless supplements then go ahead.

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well ive been hearing glutamine for post workout

and also the no-explode as a creatine/nitric oxide for pre workout


i already use whey protein as of now, and my diet is set very well.


i just want to increase my recovery time, and increase my pump as well.


sleep wise i s hard for me since i work nights and have to hit the gym about 10 a.m. and get back in time to get ready for work

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Eat protein before, and after just keep hydrated sleep and a multi vitamin. I have been at it for a few years now, and I have never taken a supplement other then stuffing my face with as much good quality food as possible I am about a 185 and squat more then my chicken legs should let me, bench into the 370 range, and still just do it all the old fashion way.
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The recovery thing is critical. You want to make sure your muscles are recovered before hitting them hard again. If you hit chest like 3 times a week, very hard, you run the risk of overtraining. However, an HST program works somewhat like that, but on the principle that you slowly increase volume. Most programs have you working out each muscle group once a week.

It sounds like your diet/nutrition is ok. Your work out program might need to be changed up if you aren't getting the results you want. Not saying the one your doing is bad, or wrong, but you might need to change things. Like maybe adding/removing exercises.

What time do you get up on the days you go work out? I know I can't just wake up and go work out right away.

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what are some good supplements

what are your pre workout supplements

post workout supplements

and the likes

what is worth buying and whats not



Hey man...quick story....i was 265lbs...ask rigsby...fatfucker i was...anyhow..i quick smoking..started going to the powell Y....i could barely push 135...im now maxing out at 335.....i take creatine power..EAS..and glutamine for a week..then off...and i eat a TON of protein and powder shakes....its working just fine for me....just make sure you are doing cardio also...



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Guest Scooter
If you are trying to gain weight, protein shakes three times a day, and eat ALL the time. Tuna is great, but don't eat a ton, gotta watch that mercury content! Lots of chicken, and not KFC either. Egg whites. Lots of water to keep that acid buildup down, and to keep you hydrated. Cut back on the cardio a bit.
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