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F'd Up Day

Big Steve

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I started off my day with 4 emails about my car. Looking good right. Then I get a job offer from the International provisioning dept for Qwest. Looking better right. Then I let my kids run over to the park and my crazy son starts acting crazy throwing the swing and my daughter happens to run in front of the swing. He hit her and split her bottom lip in half. I never felt my heart drop like that before. She had to get 9 stitches in her bottom lip. The whole time she is screaming daddy and all I could do is hold her down and do nothing.
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At least she didn't lose any teeth??


I know the feeling. I watched my son take a spill hitting his face/chin on the concrete step outside our door in my garage as he went to run into the house to give mom a hug. 1/2" from needing 4-6 new front teeth :eek: I think I cried along with him for 5 minutes...his out of pain, mine out of thankfulness.

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Tears. Had plenty of them with my baby girl! I was suprised also. She really got whacked with that swing. The first thing my daughter said was daddy do not let them touch me again. I told her they will not. She then said they cannot touch me anymore or my daddy will beat you up.
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dang Steve, looks like you and your brother are having bad luck, was this the park over by your mom and dads house COMO, or over by your house cause if its COMO me and the g/f take walks over there so if I see your kids out playing ill keep an eye on em for ya man
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dang Steve, looks like you and your brother are having bad luck, was this the park over by your mom and dads house COMO, or over by your house cause if its COMO me and the g/f take walks over there so if I see your kids out playing ill keep an eye on em for ya man


Yeah that is where it was. They were not even there a couple minutes. Its a family curse. There is always someone over there with them. Thanks man!

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