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Thorne paid for it because he is not a big enough post whore. What he needs to pay for is spelling and grammar lessons.



at least I can keep from pissing poeple off now hahaha. I've been working on my spelling damn it. Ever since I learned how to use Firefox's spell check.

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at least I can keep from pissing poeple off now hahaha. I've been working on my spelling damn it. Ever since I learned how to use Firefox's spell check.


not hard enough:

I'm going to talk to Anthony. I think every fucked up thread you start without proofreading (it's not enough just to look for the red lines) you get a day vacation. I think since you live here that maybe it would change your behavior. Or do you want to just start using your brain like an adult?


Fuck I get cranky on Percocet........

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not hard enough:

I'm going to talk to Anthony. I think every fucked up thread you start without proofreading (it's not enough just to look for the red lines) you get a day vacation. I think since you live here that maybe it would change your behavior. Or do you want to just start using your brain like an adult?


Fuck I get cranky on Percocet........

Sure it ain't PMS? :p

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Damn ben, I'm about to get you some god damn xanax to offset the percocet.


:lol: I pissed my wife off earlier, she told me to go sleep on the couch and I said well since I can't walk you carry me there and I will. Needless to say she is snoring next to me. :mad:

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:lol: I pissed my wife off earlier, she told me to go sleep on the couch and I said well since I can't walk you carry me there and I will. Needless to say she is snoring next to me. :mad:

Women can't live with em...............................

























Not "allowed" to kill em





















































































she commits "suicide"





















or Overdoses :)

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like a freight train! :mad:

My ex just liked to deny me for sex, be a bitch, then expect me to honestly "cuddle" with her. :lol: I kept telling myself, SELF don't put that gun to her head. Don't put that gun to her head. Don't put that gun to her head. Don't put that gun to her head...................... I wonder what's on TV...................HAHA FUCK YOU CUNT COUCH FOR ME CUDDLE WITH THE COLD PILLOW! end internal monologue.

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