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I killed an opossum (no 56k)


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So I was watching monday night football with the guys and the wife calls:

I need you to come home right now and kill an animal. I'm like wtf she says the dog is on top of the woodpile barking like crazy and she saw two eyes with the flashlight ran and stayed inside.


I come home and find my husky/lab mix going crazy and see a furry grey animal in the wood pile.


I load up my quietest weapon possible(it was 11pm and I'm right across from reynoldsburg popo station) you never know when a blowgun is gonna come in handy



I got out to the woodpile and shot off a good 30 darts but they didnt seem to be working.





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at one point he tried to getaway, I had to rethink my weapon of choice.



hmm this should work better



finally sweet victory is mine




be dead with you






and Dante, my killer of a dog that just couldnt get the job done

here he is practicing on some squirrels


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We had a large one on our deck one night crawling up the arbor to the wisteria vines where several birds have nests.....scared the crap out of me to see both dogs go after something like that as I was thinking oh shit...skunk.....


Anyway, I couldn't shoot it either given we're in Dublin and the house next door was so close. I pepper sprayed him, but he did nothing but hang on for dear life and growl like the a nasty bitch.


I then went out and got a spray bottle of prestone antifreeze and proceeded to fill his mouth with about 12oz of the stuff as he swallowed and gagged it down.


Haven't seen him since.

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like my boots? i was afraid the bitch was gonna jump out an get me, being all rabid and shit.

right...considering there hasnt been a rabid opossum in franklin county since 1977 or so. But, good choice on shooting it with darts and taking an axe to it


If your gonna kill it do it right... noob :rolleyes:

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