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Theif Hurt

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

A good freind of mine has had numerous break ins at his automotive shop and a high amount every night last week. I was there today and heard that "T" froze up a bunch of paint balls and waited for this guy, he was cutting cats off customer cars and stealing rims and shit. So.... "T" saw the guy around 9 pm! pull up and start stealing things. Ok so "T" creeps out aroung the building and unloads at 3-4 feet full auto to this guys head. The guy jumps up running as "T" is belting him full auto with paintballs screaming next time they are real. "T" had back up with a freind who had the real deal incase things got shitty. They thrief fell face first 4-5 times as he ran away the police never found him.


I can only imagine how that guys head feels. Ouch.

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i agree with above. if i had shit being stolen from me, there wouldnt be paintballs, then "the real deal"


it would be shoot first, talk later


Didn't you just buy a gun?


Perhaps you should think about selling it, since doing so would have you put away for a long time.

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Its probably good that he got away. If he was caught and his injuries were "bad enough." He'd probably be able to get you for something stupid because we all know the dude probably has a record of this sort of crap and would be let go after a few nights in jail.

Oh well theres always tomorrow night:-)



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Didn't you just buy a gun?


Perhaps you should think about selling it, since doing so would have you put away for a long time.



if im defending my own property, its not going to get me "put away for a long time". remember, the guy broke into the shop his buddy owns. im not talking about shooting the fucker dead, but believe he would get a couple rounds in his leg so he wont be going anywhere quick.

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if im defending my own property, its not going to get me "put away for a long time". remember, the guy broke into the shop his buddy owns. im not talking about shooting the fucker dead, but believe he would get a couple rounds in his leg so he wont be going anywhere quick.



I'm sad to say, but according to Ohio law, you simply can't do that. Not that the guy doesn't deserve it. In Ohio, you have to be in fear of your life, beyond a reasonable doubt, to be justified in shooting somebody. Popping off 'a couple rounds in his leg' would probably end up with you behind bars, and him with most of your* money.


It's :bs: , and it sucks, but that's the way it is.

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I'm sad to say, but according to Ohio law, you simply can't do that. Not that the guy doesn't deserve it. In Ohio, you have to be in fear of your life, beyond a reasonable doubt, to be justified in shooting somebody. Popping off 'a couple rounds in his leg' would probably end up with you behind bars, and him with most of my money.


It's :bs: , and it sucks, but that's the way it is.


Exactly. And the part that will get you, is the "couple rounds" part. 1 would be enough, anymore is unnecessary use of force. Thats why people who get scared and shoot people 6-7 times go to prison for a very long time, becasue 1 or 2 would have been enough... after that its just malicious.

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Guest 614Streets

Well lol the thing is the guy drove up in his friends car and ummm that car ended up destroyed after po left. So the cops ran the plate etc and the guy was identified. What it is is these guys at scrap places hand out cars to crack heads with 30 day tags and let them use them to go steal things and bring them back to the scrap guys or sellers and the theif is paid.


So you guys tell me. You lose your car, its looks real pretty at impound. You take 50-60 hits from frozen paintballs , many 3-4 feet away full auto to the temple mouth ears and face, run away , your pastor father finds out what you been doing, my crew knows now where you live. ETCETC.


That or detain with gun call cops cops jail , he let out and comes back for more later.


wHAT DO YOU THINK ???? huH? :)


bad thing is its not just 1 theres more but i would just say I wouldnt want to be the next few crackheads that mess around with with my dudes shop , but there are many more doing it. I just wouldnt want to be them lol.

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Guest 614Streets
Matter of fact some cigerette pack is going to be bought and "t" is going to put a lady finger in each of them and refill them. This way when they break into the cars for stupid things like this they will see that smoking is bad for you. Stuff like this is what "t" and them do for payback.
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Our shop as had this problem but not to much, we just have insurance for these things, And we leave a big scrap pile out back for pickings. The main thing is leaving tools outside for even alittle bit, they'll run off with your tools then one of their friends comes back and will try and sell it back to you, have had this happen a couple times
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if im defending my own property, its not going to get me "put away for a long time". remember, the guy broke into the shop his buddy owns. im not talking about shooting the fucker dead, but believe he would get a couple rounds in his leg so he wont be going anywhere quick.


In Ohio, not only are you not allowed to use deadly force to defend property, but you also have the duty to retreat. This means that in a situation where you feel you are going to be harmed, you have to make every possible effort to escape the situation. Deadly force can only be used when it is not possible to retreat, say if you are in your bedroom and a bad guy breaks in and is blocking the doorway. In this scenario, you are welcome to pull a gun and blow the fucker away. The only time to pull a gun is when you are in immediate danger with no other alternative, and you must be ready to use deadly force. If you pull the trigger, the person on the receiving end had better be going down, or you will get fucked in the ass by the legal system (not saying you won't anyway). Remember, guilty until proven innocent, and dead men tell no tales.

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We got a couple baseball bats for chasing off the scrap guys here. They quit coming to our shop just head past us now. Every once in a while you will get the polite scrap guys who ask if they can have something. But that is very seldom
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Exactly. And the part that will get you, is the "couple rounds" part. 1 would be enough, anymore is unnecessary use of force. Thats why people who get scared and shoot people 6-7 times go to prison for a very long time, becasue 1 or 2 would have been enough... after that its just malicious.


I think you can fire six rounds.

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