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Help!!! - Wasp Nest On My Porch!!!


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Who has some really good shit, or knows where i can get some really good shit to kill wasps, INSTANTLY! Theres a nest about the size of a computer cooling fan under the deck abouve my porch. It has about 5-8 wasps chilling on it and theres 4 or 5 eggs developing in it. I need to get rid of this issue before it gets any bigger!
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go to meijer or wally world or anyplace really, and get some raid wasp and hornet killer. it sprays a good 20 feet, so you can stay back. i would advise going out at night and doing it, since they should be asleep then. although it does kill them instantly.


we used to have yellow jacket problems at my old house... would always find their holes in the ground when we were mowing... after we got stung a few times.


slip out there at night, pour some gasoline in the hole, and TADA. no more yellow jackets.



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the raid works. we had one in a couch on our front porch, and a bunch of us got stung one night. the next day i got raid and went all rambo on their asses. that killed most of them. then we flipped the couch over the side of the porch, and set it on fire just in case.
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I got em.


I used some Raid Flying Insect killer... that seemed to kill 1, and make the others go away. Then i went back out and soaked the nests with Spot Shot, probably the best carpet cleaner ever invented. Then took a piec of PVC and knocked them down... and practiced my Pitching Wedge on the remains for about 3 min ;)

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Just use RAID and don't be a pussy the good can has a range of like 15-20 feet.

Thats a tiny nest and I've used RAID on hornet nests the size of basket balls without much trouble. Though I did have to get out of the way of a few of the little bastards.



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