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Ohioan Civil Rights violated (not showing DL at Circuit City)


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I think after seeing the laws posted:


1) He was right in denying Circuit City the right to check his bag without any indication of shoplifting. They can only perform a check with consent of the consumer unless an indication of shoplifting has occurred.


2) He was right to refuse to show the officer HE CALLED his driver's license since he was not operating a motor vehicle. State law only provides for stating your name, address, and DOB.


Yeah, it's a bit extreme what he's going through for a simple bag check. But, it's also bullshit what he's going through because he refused to be put down by the system.

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Hopefully the guy didn't go through all this for nothing. I would have been pissed if that clerk would have tried to prevent me from getting into my car in a forceful manor. While this does seem a bit extreme the guy shouldn't have been treated that way. I probably would have been a dick to the clerk but cooperated with the cop in that situation.
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Personally, I don't think he should have pissed off the cop. I mean how hard is it to give him your license or just plain tell him you don't have it on you. :rolleyes: I wouldn't care if it was me.


I've never had anyone ever accuse me of shoplifting or "indicate" that they felt I took something as they did in this case.


I hope he sues everyone involved and wins some cash :p

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this fucking country sucks anymore.


god damn adolf bush and his patriot act.



glad to see people appreciate what me and my brothers give our lives for, maybe you should email the familes of soldiers who have died for this fucking country with your liberal views... why dont you keep the anti-american shit to yourself.. thanks

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Personally, I don't think he should have pissed off the cop. I mean how hard is it to give him your license or just plain tell him you don't have it on you. :rolleyes: I wouldn't care if it was me.


That is your right. It is also your right to not show ID when prompted, if there is no just cause. Our rights are here to protect us as citizens. The beauty of it is that we have a choice.


glad to see people appreciate what me and my brothers give our lives for, maybe you should email the familes of soldiers who have died for this fucking country with your liberal views... why dont you keep the anti-american shit to yourself.. thanks


Censorship is anti-American. Do you hate America?

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Personally, I don't think he should have pissed off the cop. I mean how hard is it to give him your license or just plain tell him you don't have it on you. :rolleyes: I wouldn't care if it was me.


I've never had anyone ever accuse me of shoplifting or "indicate" that they felt I took something as they did in this case.


I hope he sues everyone involved and wins some cash :p

why. Damn it you are so quick tyo give up rights of fear of safety. I really don't get people like you who are so willing to surcumb to non existant rules. I thought I was innocent till proven guilty not harassed because you check out clerk fucked up.

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That is your right. It is also your right to not show ID when prompted, if there is no just cause. Our rights are here to protect us as citizens. The beauty of it is that we have a choice.




Censorship is anti-American. Do you hate America?


LOL beat me too it.

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If the cop never read him his miranda rights then the whole case will be thrown out. My brother got picked up one time for underage drinking and was never read his rights, case got thrown out.


Good luck on his fight though, people need to be aware of their rights and should not be so willing to give them up.

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If the cop never read him his miranda rights then the whole case will be thrown out. My brother got picked up one time for underage drinking and was never read his rights, case got thrown out.


Good luck on his fight though, people need to be aware of their rights and should not be so willing to give them up.


hmm when i had some charges, my attorney told me that the miranda rights are such common knowledge nowadays from TV and stuff, that they can still get by without reading them to you, especially for small shit. but if it was a murder 1 case or something, im sure they wouldnt forget... interesting though...


from wikipedia (best source evar, i know)


Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote that Miranda warnings had "become embedded in routine police practice to the point where the warnings have become part of our national culture." Dickerson v. United States 530 U.S. 428 (2000). However, police are only required to warn an individual whom they intend to subject to custodial interrogation at the police station, in a police vehicle or when detained. Arrests can occur without questioning and without the Miranda warning — although if the police do change their mind and decide to interrogate the suspect, the warning must then be given.



PS that cop is a petty jackass... he will probably end up working security at a mall or something because of this lol.

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Censorship is anti-American. Do you hate America?


So you condone his views on hating this country? I see. I understand the point in which you are trying to make but I am not trying to censor it but trying to inform that it isnt the brightest thing to say, it tends to offend those who have to go over seas. But oh well I can see this will not get anywhere. :)

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Interesting read. I had some over zealous LP guy at the reynoldsburg Bestbuy claim that I removed a security tag from an item and that I was going steal it so I was removed from the store. I took great pleasure in writing the manager a hand written snail-mail delivered letter and then having him be my personal assistant and guide thru the store on my next visit.
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So you condone his views on hating this country? I see. I understand the point in which you are trying to make but I am not trying to censor it but trying to inform that it isnt the brightest thing to say, it tends to offend those who have to go over seas. But oh well I can see this will not get anywhere. :)


He wasn't saying YOU were trying to censor him. He was saying that the topic at hand has to do with censorship. "launchin1st" mentioned not liking Bush or the Patriot Act, which is probably the most profound piece of censorship litigation ever put through congress and made into law. Then you decided to go gung hoe on his ass and say "what about me and my brothers, etc...", Mensan was simply pointing out the censorship IS anti-american and while his delivery was off "lauchin1st" had a point.


The same freedom and rights that you claim to fight for give him the right to say he hates this country. I dont agree with him, but its his right to do so and not suffer any penalties from the government or persecution for having such beliefs.

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for you and Mensan...why would I give my Drivers License (DL) to the cop? Because I approach situations like this by asking myself some pretty basic questions.


Why would I not want to cooperate with a police officer that I called and simply give him my Drivers License? I mean, so I have a right to say no, doesn't mean it's going to get me anywhere. Why be afraid? Who gives a shit? What's going to happen to me? Why do you think doing so shows fear? What's to be afraid of? Obviously this kid and some here fear authority for some reason. :wtf:


Let him do his job. It's not like holding it back from him is going to protect me from anything. My "rights" aren't in jeopardy, he's not a threat to me by taking it and using the information. Shit, the information you are stating to just give verbally is the same shit....unless you're out to hide something. I have nothing to hide by not giving him my DL. The cop was just trying to get a handle on the situation and who this guy in the car is and what the situation is about.


Please explain to me the big deal outside you just wanting to not do it for the sake of being difficult and hiding behind a "right" not to give it to him. Hell, he called the cops in the first place! I tend to approach things like this by being a bit more cooperative and find that helping the cops actually gets me what I want. It certainly didn't do him any favors to argue now did it? :rolleyes: Perhaps if just simply helped the cop help him, he would be on with life.


Bottom line is I don't need any more drama in my life and know that putting up a fight, arguing and being resistant to things like this tends to not help. I'd rather achieve the goal than argue a point for the sake of an argument. Especially to a cop that I called.


I didn't have problem letting the cops run the s/n on my gun when I called them a few weeks back (when I thought my house was broken into) or running my DL in the system. No big deal and quite understandable really...and guess what...I had nothing to hide, they figured that out, know that now and my life has been smooth since. Case closed. Nice thing is my credibility is still high with them and should I see the two cops on the street on or off duty, then may perhaps remember me in a good light.


Re-reading the posters situation I laughed at his quote:

"Not being able to find the law in the books that states that a citizen must provide a driver’s license while walking through a parking lot, Officer Arroyo had to settle for “obstructing official business."


"He explained that I had been arrested for failure to produce my driver’s license. I asked him what would happen if I never learned to drive and didn’t have a driver’s license. After all, at the time that he arrested me I was standing on a sidewalk outside a Circuit City. I wasn’t driving a car, and even when I was seated in the Buick I was a back seat passenger. The officer never gave me a satisfactory answer to this question, but promised to explain the law to me after I was booked."


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the cop was being a bit sarcastic and to the point by stating layman's terms that he was being arrested for not showing his drivers license. It's very likely he was pissed that this stupid kid was being uncooperative for no real valid reason other than to give him a hard time. Again, give me a valid reason other than some "rights" bullshit. A common sense reason that is....it was pretty obvious that the kid was being uncooperative and "obstructing" the cop in his investigation right from the get-go. :gay:


Put yourself in the cops shoes...what would you do? You get called out to a situation which was created initially by the store employees who suspected a shoplifter....who have no reason to make shit up and give this kid a hard time....then when you get there (which likely isn't your first time), the kid in question, who called you out, gives you a hard time right from the very first question you have....geesh! :doh:


Just put his ass in the car, take him downtown and sort it out there. No sense in arguing on the street in an uncontrolled environment, disrupting everyone else's lives. Again, any fifth grader who's seen two episodes of COPS is going to tell you what's coming next. :confused:



why. Damn it you are so quick tyo give up rights of fear of safety. I really don't get people like you who are so willing to surcumb to non existant rules.


The kid wasn't arrested or harassed without reason. He is innocent until proven guilty, but not cooperating with a cop like this wasn't going to net him anything other than a ride downtown and night with some of the finest citizens in the area :rolleyes: He obviously doesn't mind either as he states he knows all about why the event didn't go down smoothly. He also seems to have some fucked up fear-of-authority for some reason. Perhaps he lacks control and power in his life and fears it from others. Who knows....sounds to me he got exactly what he was looking to get.


I thought I was innocent till proven guilty not harassed because you check out clerk fucked up.
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