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Car Insurance Question


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I'm picking up the Vette Monday and I set up coverage for it this past week. My insurance will increase $58 per month for full coverage on it. Is this good, or should I look elsewhere? I've been w/ this company for about a decade and haven't had any problems so I'm happy with them but figured I'd see if some of you guys who have more car insurance experience think I could do better?



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Is that $58/month over a previous vehicle, such as the Cobra in your sig, or is that in addition to all your other cars? If its the second part, I'd say under $60/month to insure an 08 vette fully is CHEAP.


It's in addition to what I was paying on my other cars. Thanks for the feedback, I'll stay w/ them. :)


Thorne -- I have liability only on both of my Mustangs so I don't pay much on them. The green one isn't worth crap and the red one is so modified the insurance company would never cover anything on it anyway, so I elected liability on those two. :D

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Thorne -- I have liability only on both of my Mustangs so I don't pay much on them. The green one isn't worth crap and the red one is so modified the insurance company would never cover anything on it anyway, so I elected liability on those two. :D

Modified or not, I'd have full coverage on the red one.

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Call Jonathan Anglin at Brooke Insurance and Financial Svcs. Saved me 400 bucks a half! 100/300 coverage with 500 deductibles for 3 vehicles.


He is a AAA underwriter and has access to most companies. 614-486-7300


Good luck

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A 10 year old policy will have better rates than starting a new one. Insurance companies like people to stay with them. $58 a month for a vette isn't bad, people spend FAR more than that a month for liability on cheap cars if they are young and/or have anything on their record.
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