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Kids and laptop keyboards


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So I'm sitting downstairs in the basement watching TV and I hear my wife say "NO Ryan" to our 6 year old Autistic son. She comes stomping downstairs with a handful of keys from my laptop keyboard. ok WTF?


Ryan somehow figured out how to open up my laptop computer (he's incredibly smart) that was on the kitchen island.


But wait, it gets better. He opened up the laptop. started pulling the keys off.. then proceeded to put them down the drain into the garbage disposal. great. So the wife digs out the pieces. I'm not sure if anyone here is familiar with laptop keyboards, but on my Dell C610 under the key is two little white pieces that form an X and that's what holds the key down to the base. Well, those little pieces were everywhere. None of them broke thankfully and I was able to find all of them lying around the kitchen and in the sink and put my keyboard back together.


When this was happening I tried really hard not to yell or get mad at him. If I were to do that, he'd just start banging his head on the couch or the floor and start crying. So I said to him "Ryan, please don't touch daddys keyboard ever again.. ok? ". He replies. "ok dad".


Remember he's Autistic and his vocabulary is VERRRRRY limited. He knows what he wants to say, but it comes out in very different ways. Some days I feel like I'm in a foreign country the way he talks.


Just had to share this little story :).

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Lol. I'd do that with my 14 year old son. But not the 6 year old. He's VERY fragile and if you raise your voice at him he starts banging his head and crying incredibly loud. Hell, last year he got pissed because he didn't want his diaper changed and ran head first into his bedroom window. shattering it. That has calmed down a LOOTTTTTTT in the past year with him going to the school he goes too.
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Save the story and perhaps some pictures for future conversations. I once heard 'every stain has a story' and that holds true with just about everything.


Closest I came to a freaking heart attack with when my told me our son, who was 2yrs old at the time, was walking around on my deck with my "big" camera....a $5,000 camera and a $2,600 lens pretending to take pictures :eek: IIRC I did shit my pants a bit as I jumped out of the family room chair. :o


Kids....still the greatest thing to happen to me outside my wife who somehow puts up with me. :confused:

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