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Why can't we all just get along?


Why can't countries share their resources without always trying to make a profit?


Why do we still have wars?


Why does the President have so much power?


Why is a new deadly virus found every 6 months?


Why don't rich people share more. Who the hell really needs 5 billion dollars?


Why does entertainment trump education?


How can a murderer get less time in jail than a guy who steals a car?


Why do we pay taxes on everything, yet schools have to cut back programs?


Why do people have to die for major change to occur?


Why do I have tobe on alert when I stop at a redlight in the ghetto?


Why do I work 5 days a week and get 2 off?


Why do most have to sacrifice family time in order to pay the bills?


Why do police officers not get the respect they once did?


Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth?


Why is your credit score used for EVERYTHING?!


How can the world be made a better place when the people in charge dont want it to be?


Why did the price of healthy food go up when people wanted to start living a heathier lifestyle?


Why is the government that we pay and appoint allowed to lie to us?


Why does the price of gas continue to stay high?


Why is it that the more you get promoted the less you work?


Why are people willing to pay $200 a month for a cell phone, but $150 for their rent?


Why do we dump trash in the water we drink?


Why is child support primarily measured in dollars when quality time is the best child support?


Why do people think its ok to complain about a problem without taking the time to help find a resolution?


How many mistakes have to be made before we learn from them?

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These are questions, along with many others, that go through my head every day that if I didn't keep in check, I think would explode my head. I don't like to think of these things and the progression of the world/human race as it thoroughly depresses me. I've stopped watching the news, discussing this shit, etc. I honestly can't take it anymore. What's worse, is I can answer all those questions. And none of them are good.
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Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth?


For the simple reason of it's a commercial station. They have to make profit and often people don't want the truth. If people don't want the truth then they're not going to watch the station with the truth. If the station with the truth is not watched advertisers won't pay as much for airtime for their commercials, making the station go under. Kinda sad really.

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Why do we still have wars?

Because things need to be done, that no other president had the balls to do. And some countries believe in bullshit tactics and building their ilegal weapon stock piles, and threaten our way of freedom. And there are people like me and others that get their jollies off being in a combat zone.

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I know the answers to all of the questions, I basically just hate the fact that I have to raise my kids in this world.


There should be no such thing as the US army/navy/Marines/CoastGaurds/ the Canandian Army, British Etc etc etc.. There needs to be a world army that collectively makes an army big enough that the rest of the world decides not to get destoyed by 7 billion troops landing in your country at one time. This way we will be ready when the aliens come ;)

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This way we will be ready when the aliens come ;)

I've got that one covered. I plan on that myself, so I already have the basic plan of the NWA (New World Army) I've been designing the rank structure, and battle plan of how to kill the aliens. I'm giving those bastards up there 20 years, then they're a coming to try open up a can. :mad:

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Why can't we all just get along?


Why can't countries share their resources without always trying to make a profit?


Why do we still have wars?


Why does the President have so much power?


Why is a new deadly virus found every 6 months?


Why don't rich people share more. Who the hell really needs 5 billion dollars?


Why does entertainment trump education?


How can a murderer get less time in jail than a guy who steals a car?


Why do we pay taxes on everything, yet schools have to cut back programs?


Why do people have to die for major change to occur?


Why do I have tobe on alert when I stop at a redlight in the ghetto?


Why do I work 5 days a week and get 2 off?


Why do most have to sacrifice family time in order to pay the bills?


Why do police officers not get the respect they once did?


Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth?


Why is your credit score used for EVERYTHING?!


How can the world be made a better place when the people in charge dont want it to be?


Why did the price of healthy food go up when people wanted to start living a heathier lifestyle?


Why is the government that we pay and appoint allowed to lie to us?


Why does the price of gas continue to stay high?


Why is it that the more you get promoted the less you work?


Why are people willing to pay $200 a month for a cell phone, but $150 for their rent?


Why do we dump trash in the water we drink?


Why is child support primarily measured in dollars when quality time is the best child support?


Why do people think its ok to complain about a problem without taking the time to help find a resolution?


How many mistakes have to be made before we learn from them?


Because someone is afraid someone else has a bigger dick.


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WTF. Look at your behaviour towards aliens. Who says they'd be evil? It's us who'd be evil attacking them unprovoked. And who says there's only one kind/race/specie/whatever of alien. Some may be nice, some may not be. This is like believing every person from Iraq can't wait to wade into a crowd of us strapped with a bomb. :rolleyes: Actually, this is perfectly acceptable behavior for anyone who actually applies the name 'redneck' to themselves. ;)

Shame on you both. Im not inviting either of you for 'special punch' next time the aliens come to take us to paradise. :mad:

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Why can't we all just get along? Everyone has differences that are not accepted.


Why can't countries share their resources without always trying to make a profit? Money is everything in this world. You are nothing with out it.


Why do we still have wars? To show who is dominant, war has been happening since the dinosaur age, and it shows dominance, do you think it will ever change?


Why does the President have so much power? He does not have that much power. In reality, he has a very tiny amount of power. Congress, the HOR, and everyone else just decides to back his decisions.


Why is a new deadly virus found every 6 months? Because they are trying to scare us. They are not real.


Why don't rich people share more. Who the hell really needs 5 billion dollars? They worked hard for what they have. Besides, they do more than you think. Bill Gates fortune goes to the poor, all except 20 mill, which is evenly divided b/w his sons, and that is only .01% of his net worth.


Why does entertainment trump education? Because not many people like going to school, they would rather stay at home and watch T.V.


How can a murderer get less time in jail than a guy who steals a car? He has a good lawyer.


Why do we pay taxes on everything, yet schools have to cut back programs? It is a way for our government to make more money.


Why do people have to die for major change to occur? It makes people open their eyes and realize the situations are real.


Why do I have tobe on alert when I stop at a redlight in the ghetto? Because you are scared, only because you have been taught from the media that everyone in the ghetto is gonna jump you.


Why do I work 5 days a week and get 2 off? That is a regular work schedule in todays world. Why do I go to school 5 days and get 2 off? It just happens that way.


Why do most have to sacrifice family time in order to pay the bills? Because you chose the lifestyle you have. You can live in a trailor, I bet the bills wont be as high. Shit just get a 1960 VW bus and live in there.


Why do police officers not get the respect they once did? Because people look upon them as a higher power that has a little to much control over them.


Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth? Ratings bring in money, and that is what this world is about now.


Why is your credit score used for EVERYTHING?! It is a way of showing CREDITability on if you will or will not pay on time/ full amount.


How can the world be made a better place when the people in charge dont want it to be? They want it to be better, but they seem to view it in a bigger spectrum.


Why did the price of healthy food go up when people wanted to start living a heathier lifestyle? Yet again, money is everything. If people want something bad enough, they will pay for it.


Why is the government that we pay and appoint allowed to lie to us? Because most of the time, they get away with it.


Why does the price of gas continue to stay high? Fuck if I know this one.


Why is it that the more you get promoted the less you work? Because you have people under you to do the work for you.


Why are people willing to pay $200 a month for a cell phone, but $150 for their rent? Because, if all they need is a 150 dollar a month place to live in to suffice their needs, why pay more. The cell phone is just a glamour item. (Cant think of a better word than glamour right now.)


Why do we dump trash in the water we drink? The water is cleaned and purified, so it is like it was never there.


Why is child support primarily measured in dollars when quality time is the best child support? Because, some parents dont like to see their children. (Just ask me, I'll tell you it's true, and my father is a perfect example)


Why do people think its ok to complain about a problem without taking the time to help find a resolution? Complaining is taking an easier way out of it. It also helps get rid of the stress quicker.


How many mistakes have to be made before we learn from them? A lot. It will take a while before it gets bad enough to realize that we need to stop.

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Why can't we all just get along?

-The nature of all things on earth is conflict


Why can't countries share their resources without always trying to make a profit?

-Because if they did it would be star trek.


Why do we still have wars?

-Because some wars have yet to end. See palenstine/Isreal


Why does the President have so much power?

-Because he's corrupt and keeps creating it for himself.


Why is a new deadly virus found every 6 months?

-Because we have the ability to detect these things faster they also evolve from more basic benign virii


Why don't rich people share more. Who the hell really needs 5 billion dollars?

-Why should they?


Why does entertainment trump education?

-Because its the nature of the beast. Self gratifcation.


How can a murderer get less time in jail than a guy who steals a car?

-Same things applied to someone who is a software pirate.


Why do we pay taxes on everything, yet schools have to cut back programs?

-Because that money is used towards things like welfare and this great war thats going on.


Why do people have to die for major change to occur?

-Because if there is not a major impact no one will notice.


Why do I have tobe on alert when I stop at a redlight in the ghetto?

-Because everyone has a since of entitlement. That it's ok to take things as long as its for you and helps you.


Why do I work 5 days a week and get 2 off?

-I dunno I work 4.


Why do most have to sacrifice family time in order to pay the bills?

-Because they did not further there career far enough to make said money on a basic job OR they live to far beyond there means and have to work in a more agressive enviroment to make it.


Why do police officers not get the respect they once did?

-Because police are becoming more and more corrupt.


Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth?

-Media is based on fear watch channel 6 and HEAR ABOUT THE DEADLY BLAH AT 11.


Why is your credit score used for EVERYTHING?!

-Because people need some point of referance on wether your capable of doings ome things. I do not agree with it though.


How can the world be made a better place when the people in charge dont want it to be?

-It can't Vote for ron paul.


Why did the price of healthy food go up when people wanted to start living a heathier lifestyle?

-Actually it stayed the same for the most part.


Why is the government that we pay and appoint allowed to lie to us?

-Because they do what they feel is best for us.


Why does the price of gas continue to stay high?

- Because opec can.


Why is it that the more you get promoted the less you work?

-Because you get paid for what you know not what you do.


Why are people willing to pay $200 a month for a cell phone, but $150 for their rent?

-because its the hood rich mentality I know quite a few poeple like this. Don't got a car but have them self a grill. SEE PAUL WALL


Why do we dump trash in the water we drink?

-because everyone feels they should be alowed to do what they want.


Why is child support primarily measured in dollars when quality time is the best child support?

-Because a fiscal amount does need to be compensated for the lack of income that said person should be there. How do you rate quality time anyways?


Why do people think its ok to complain about a problem without taking the time to help find a resolution?

-Because to many people are in capable of thinking out side of the box to pursue a option that make be unique or unothadox.


How many mistakes have to be made before we learn from them?

-Those who fail to study the past are doomed to repeat it.


these are my honest answers btw not being a smart ass.

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Why can't we all just get along?

- It's the way we are raised along with tv and movies. Conflict is a normal part of our everyday life.


Why can't countries share their resources without always trying to make a profit?

- Because if we were equal one country would not be able to claim dominance over another. The more you have to offer the more power you have during negotiations.



Why do we still have wars?

- We have not learned a better way to get our point across. Rather than talk we strongarm and attempt to to force people to live the way we want them to.


Why does the President have so much power?

-Because the people allow it. In 20 years the President should just be called "King"


Why is a new deadly virus found every 6 months?

-Because human beings are ginny pigs. These virus are not being found, they are being made. Viral warfar is in our future.


Why don't rich people share more. Who the hell really needs 5 billion dollars?

-Because they feel if they give 2% to charity they are doing their part. In reality they could do a lot more to make the world a better place than poor people.... The why should we help mentality is why the world is the way it is.


Why does entertainment trump education?

-Because we would rather be entertained than be smart.... ignorance is bliss.


How can a murderer get less time in jail than a guy who steals a car?

-Because our judicial system is inconsistent. A murderer should never be offered a better deal than a theif. A better lawyer can get them less time because the courts allow it.


Why do we pay taxes on everything, yet schools have to cut back programs?

-Because our money is not used where where we think it will be used. And once again this is an area where it happens because we allow it to.


Why do people have to die for major change to occur?

-Because people want to make others life seem worth it so they push a lot harder for change after someone dies. We could do it without death, but it seems that death is a great motivator.


Why do I have to be on alert when I stop at a redlight in the ghetto?

-Because I know the mentality of people with less than me, and I know what they are capable of. I had friends that stole and car jacked, so I know exactly what can happen at a red light. The ghetto is called the ghetto because its not the suburbs.


Why do I work 5 days a week and get 2 off?

-Because we choose our lifestyle. I could be jobless and homeless if I wanted to be.


Why do most have to sacrifice family time in order to pay the bills?

-To give your family what you think they deserve sacrifices must be made. You can find time for your family if you want to.


Why do police officers not get the respect they once did?

-Because the media will spend weeks showing a cop that does something wrong, but will only dedicate 3 minutes to a cop that saves a life.


Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth?

- Sponsors pay more to the channels that have higher ratings.


Why is your credit score used for EVERYTHING?!

-People think they can tell how reliable you are by a credit score. It makes sense for financial situations, but a job should base their hiring process on the person and not a credit rating.


How can the world be made a better place when the people in charge dont want it to be?

-It cant be. The people in charge speak for us. As long as we have problems they have a job.


Why did the price of healthy food go up when people wanted to start living a heathier lifestyle?

-They may say they want us to be healthy but only if they can make a profit from it. Supply and demand trump health.


Why is the government that we pay and appoint allowed to lie to us?

-Because we dont stop it, and we appoint liars.


Why does the price of gas continue to stay high?

-Because we keep paying for it.


Why is it that the more you get promoted the less you work?

-Because they have the option to work or not to work. The better leaders I have seen are able to be right next to their employees leading by example.


Why are people willing to pay $200 a month for a cell phone, but $150 for their rent?

-Because luxuries are more important than necessities to a lot of people. But on the flip side that cell phone could be used to pay the rent depending on what type of job they have....


Why do we dump trash in the water we drink?

Because we are stupid. The treatment does not clean 100% the water.


Why is child support primarily measured in dollars when quality time is the best child support?

-Money can be measured a lot easier than time. You cant force a parent to be a parent.


Why do people think its ok to complain about a problem without taking the time to help find a resolution?

-Because we listen to them and buy in to negativity. The world needs more problem solvers.


How many mistakes have to be made before we learn from them?

-To many to count. Thats why we live in a world of poverty, war, hatred and crime. This question is impossible to answer.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Why can't we all just get along?

- It's the way we are raised along with tv and movies. Conflict is a normal part of our everyday life.


Why can't countries share their resources without always trying to make a profit?

- Because if we were equal one country would not be able to claim dominance over another. The more you have to offer the more power you have during negotiations.



Why do we still have wars?

- We have not learned a better way to get our point across. Rather than talk we strongarm and attempt to to force people to live the way we want them to.


Why does the President have so much power?

-Because the people allow it. In 20 years the President should just be called "King"


Why is a new deadly virus found every 6 months?

-Because human beings are ginny pigs. These virus are not being found, they are being made. Viral warfar is in our future.


Why don't rich people share more. Who the hell really needs 5 billion dollars?

-Because they feel if they give 2% to charity they are doing their part. In reality they could do a lot more to make the world a better place than poor people.... The why should we help mentality is why the world is the way it is.


Why does entertainment trump education?

-Because we would rather be entertained than be smart.... ignorance is bliss.


How can a murderer get less time in jail than a guy who steals a car?

-Because our judicial system is inconsistent. A murderer should never be offered a better deal than a theif. A better lawyer can get them less time because the courts allow it.


Why do we pay taxes on everything, yet schools have to cut back programs?

-Because our money is not used where where we think it will be used. And once again this is an area where it happens because we allow it to.


Why do people have to die for major change to occur?

-Because people want to make others life seem worth it so they push a lot harder for change after someone dies. We could do it without death, but it seems that death is a great motivator.


Why do I have to be on alert when I stop at a redlight in the ghetto?

-Because I know the mentality of people with less than me, and I know what they are capable of. I had friends that stole and car jacked, so I know exactly what can happen at a red light. The ghetto is called the ghetto because its not the suburbs.


Why do I work 5 days a week and get 2 off?

-Because we choose our lifestyle. I could be jobless and homeless if I wanted to be.


Why do most have to sacrifice family time in order to pay the bills?

-To give your family what you think they deserve sacrifices must be made. You can find time for your family if you want to.


Why do police officers not get the respect they once did?

-Because the media will spend weeks showing a cop that does something wrong, but will only dedicate 3 minutes to a cop that saves a life.


Why does the news media care more about ratings than the truth?

- Sponsors pay more to the channels that have higher ratings.


Why is your credit score used for EVERYTHING?!

-People think they can tell how reliable you are by a credit score. It makes sense for financial situations, but a job should base their hiring process on the person and not a credit rating.


How can the world be made a better place when the people in charge dont want it to be?

-It cant be. The people in charge speak for us. As long as we have problems they have a job.


Why did the price of healthy food go up when people wanted to start living a heathier lifestyle?

-They may say they want us to be healthy but only if they can make a profit from it. Supply and demand trump health.


Why is the government that we pay and appoint allowed to lie to us?

-Because we dont stop it, and we appoint liars.


Why does the price of gas continue to stay high?

-Because we keep paying for it.


Why is it that the more you get promoted the less you work?

-Because they have the option to work or not to work. The better leaders I have seen are able to be right next to their employees leading by example.


Why are people willing to pay $200 a month for a cell phone, but $150 for their rent?

-Because luxuries are more important than necessities to a lot of people. But on the flip side that cell phone could be used to pay the rent depending on what type of job they have....


Why do we dump trash in the water we drink?

Because we are stupid. The treatment does not clean 100% the water.


Why is child support primarily measured in dollars when quality time is the best child support?

-Money can be measured a lot easier than time. You cant force a parent to be a parent.


Why do people think its ok to complain about a problem without taking the time to help find a resolution?

-Because we listen to them and buy in to negativity. The world needs more problem solvers.


How many mistakes have to be made before we learn from them?

-To many to count. Thats why we live in a world of poverty, war, hatred and crime. This question is impossible to answer.


So you answered your own questions. Nice work!! lol

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