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don't run from the police.


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First thing wrong with this.... The vehical did NOT try to ram him, he tried to go around him and the cop inched forward. Second thing... wtf would they open fire on him before using a number of different things to try and stop the pursuit? Yes they Pit'ed him, twice, but i didnt see them try to use stop sticks, or even break the glass and make an attempt to pull the driver out of the vehical. Instead, you see one view of an officer fire 3 rounds into the back of the car as its driving away from, with no other officers on foot, so hes not trying to run people over.... and then it cuts to a shot of an officer kneeling on the hood firing through the windshield... wtf was he doing on the hood? theres no need for it. Why not shoot out the tires from a safer distance of 15 or 20 feet rather than plugging 5 rounds into a mans chest point blank from the hood of the car?


I would expect nothing less from Blue Ash... theyve always been flaky on procedure and tatics. I got pulled over in blue ash once... by 4 officers... for driving 42 in a 35. There are two places you dont want to get pulled over in Cincinnati, thats Blue Ash and Indian Hill.

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First thing wrong with this.... The vehical did NOT try to ram him, he tried to go around him and the cop inched forward. Second thing... wtf would they open fire on him before using a number of different things to try and stop the pursuit? Yes they Pit'ed him, twice, but i didnt see them try to use stop sticks, or even break the glass and make an attempt to pull the driver out of the vehical. Instead, you see one view of an officer fire 3 rounds into the back of the car as its driving away from, with no other officers on foot, so hes not trying to run people over.... and then it cuts to a shot of an officer kneeling on the hood firing through the windshield... wtf was he doing on the hood? theres no need for it. Why not shoot out the tires from a safer distance of 15 or 20 feet rather than plugging 5 rounds into a mans chest?


I would expect nothing less from Blue Ash... theyve always been flaky on procedure and tatics. I got pulled over in blue ash once... by 4 officers... for driving 42 in a 35. There are two places you dont want to get pulled over in Cincinnati, thats Blue Ash and Indian Hill.


I kind of agree. I don't really see a need to be on the hood of the car


A. putting yourself in more danger than you need to be

B. well, see A


Unless the operator of the vehicle was armed I don't see why he ended up I am guessing dead. Not saying I have mercy on him or care, just seemed a little over the top when it comes to "police tactics". But they can shoot every car thief for all I care. :)

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I kind of agree. I don't really see a need to be on the hood of the car


A. putting yourself in more danger than you need to be

B. well, see A


Unless the operator of the vehicle was armed I don't see why he ended up I am guessing dead. Not saying I have mercy on him or care, just seemed a little over the top when it comes to "police tactics". But they can shoot every car thief for all I care. :)



i agree with this as well,

there was NO need to kill this man, but also he should have stopped

when you run they seem to pin any and everything imaginable to your ass

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On the hood????? Somebody saw way too many movies. The reason why it cut to him on the hood is because they are going to say he tried to run the cop over and he used his super powers to leap onto the hood (avoiding being ran over) and opened fire before the guy ran over any more cops at 4mph. Yes, he needed to be stopped, and no I dont feel sorry for him for being an idiot and resisting arrest. If he would have stopped he wouldnt look like swiss cheese.


Is it normal practice for them to side swipe cars? Vehicular homicide from a side impact collision is a hell of a way to immobilize a car.

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I think there were a few moments prior to that when he should have given up. Oh well.....they won't be doing that again....and I bet his passenger is still pucking up his food and shitting his pants. That's an awesome vid and so dang recent too.


wow thats intense. if a cops on your hood with a gun in your face its time to give up.
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The reason why it cut to him on the hood is because they are going to say he tried to run the cop over and he used his super powers to leap onto the hood (avoiding being ran over) and opened fire before the guy ran over any more cops at 4mph.




Exactly right. :)

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Jesus, I can't believe some of the responses in here.

You run from the police....you should at least expect to be beaten within an inch of your life, if not shot.




My response was not that he should not have been shot, but the officer should not have been on the hood of a moving vehicle.

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My response was not that he should not have been shot, but the officer should not have been on the hood of a moving vehicle.


I don't think he jumped on the hood when the car was moving. Personally I'd say after the second impact the car was stopped he jumped on the hood with weapon drawn figuring that the guy would not try to run anymore with a gun in his face. guy tried to flee again and bang bang bang.

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so the video showed that you can out run the police in Blue Ash if you have a 3.4l Monte Carlo.


What boggles my mind is why he stayed in that area... there are far better places to go when running... if he'd made a left at the intersection instead of a right.. hed gone towards IndianHill, which can get you to Milford real quick, and Loveland, and out towrds Stone Lick, and all the country you can imagine... theres so many easy back roads too... like milford to Eastgate... i could lose a cop through there in less than 60 seconds.


People that run are dumb to begin with... they are in the dumbest cars possible, they take the dumbest roads possible, and lets face it, they are RUNNING FROM THE POLICE!... but damn if your going to do something retarded like that, at least do a good job of it.

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I just watch the video a few times, that cop got out his car and jumped on the hood when the car wasn't even moving. Once he jumped on the hood and started firing is when the car started to move. He could have gotten out of the way of the car, he more or less jumped in front of it.
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People that run are dumb to begin with... they are in the dumbest cars possible, they take the dumbest roads possible, and lets face it, they are RUNNING FROM THE POLICE!... but damn if your going to do something retarded like that, at least do a good job of it.

If you run fromt he cops, run from the cops. Don't turn around, do donuts, or go to tight residential streets where you can't RUN. Cop cars are slow, there's no reason to lose. If you're dumb enough to run, though, you're too dumb to run well.



On the hood? If that gets to the judge, it's all fuckin over. You are not in the business of self preservation if you are on the hood of a moving car firing one handed into the drivers seat.


Having seen that, if Blue ash cops point guns at me, I'm running for my f'kin life. At no point in the vid (peoples exhibit A) did I see him use his vehicle as a weapon.


That officer fired and the car came to a stop.

There's a good lie right there. You pump rounds into a guy who has his foot on the gas...and he removes his foot before dying. The chase would have ended with the arrival of the last car, had they not lit the guy up.

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