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The Fuc|< it thread.


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Fuck everybody who bitches and upset about petty shit (See King of columbus)

Fuck everybody who is a bunch of two faced ass holes

Fuck everybody who is a fair weather friend

Fuck everybody who thinks there shit don't stink

Fuck everybody who can't run there own life but are all up in other peoples.

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FUCK 18 forms of idetification to get a new water account set up.

(but being able to buy a high powered rifle with just cash)

p.s. i have plenty of guns no problems with them just think you need less id to purchase a firearm then to get water.

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Not our fault phil mabey spend some money...thorne man how's the car runnin



maybe im broke and lazy to put my shit on, granted thats my fault i just like fucking with everyone,but on a serious note your spelling is ass. go to school and learn something

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Im adding some more FUCKS i like this thread


FUCK Moving

Fuck Transfer Fees

Fuck paying 250 extra dollars just to transfer the services i have been paying on for ten fuckin years



FUCK Inconsiderate people



I REALLY like this thread If this falls off first page it definately needs bumped up.

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Fuck soccer moms driving SUVs while talking on their cellphones.

Fuck trying to find a goddamn parking spot at Columbus State.

Fuck M/I homes for building shit.

Fuck Exxon and other oil companies making record profits.

Fuck Time Warner for not fixing shit then still charging me. Motherfuckers.

Fuck Tuttles Grove Apartments for not fixing anything and lying about it.


I like this thread, too. I'll be adding more later.

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