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"the pill" for men


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that's not the pill dude, that is how you can identify her as a woman.


LOL. I know. But I was talkin to this girl for like a year, she was awesome. Starts taking the pill and I can't even talk to her as a normal fucking person. She stops taking it for a month, bam, normal again. True story.

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a serious question for the guys who gut cut... does it make you put on weight? I know when we cut off my dogs balls, he got fat.... and I've heard that was typical for animals... just wondering if it's typical for humans as well.


oh, and if the pill is effective and there are no long term side effects, I'd be all for it... maybe both on the pill would = no more rubbers

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a serious question for the guys who gut cut... does it make you put on weight? I know when we cut off my dogs balls, he got fat.... and I've heard that was typical for animals... just wondering if it's typical for humans as well.


oh, and if the pill is effective and there are no long term side effects, I'd be all for it... maybe both on the pill would = no more rubbers


I'm already fat so I can't say much about that one.

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a serious question for the guys who gut cut... does it make you put on weight? I know when we cut off my dogs balls, he got fat.... and I've heard that was typical for animals... just wondering if it's typical for humans as well.


oh, and if the pill is effective and there are no long term side effects, I'd be all for it... maybe both on the pill would = no more rubbers



I think you are confused. They dont cut off your balls !!!

Thats castration!




Vasectomy is quicker than getting your teeth cleaned. You get a bottle of vicodin and a few days letter all is well.



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I just had this conversation with a Chic I am (was) F-in.




She is a BEAUTIFUL piece, but has a kid, so my 3 and out rule applies. But when I was just talking with her today- This came up.


Since I lost my virginity at 13 to a 16 year old WHO WAS ON TOP I have been pulling out. Its not fucking rocket science people-and dont give me an ounce of shit about "pre-cum" either. You know when your going to blow-and if you can handle yourself, you have no business playing ball. My cock has been in more snatch than I car to speak about, and NOT ONCE have I came in a chic, or even come close to it. Even when I am wearing a condom, I will pull out to check that it's still in tact before I blow.



Maybe its just me, but is this really rocket science? Is it not normal to know/have control of when your going to bust a load? Maybe I'm the odd ball here.

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I wouldn't have it done....


and my girl is not on birth control.......she went on it for a couple months and she went fucking crazy.......she was not into sex as much as she used to be and just seemed like a bitch....then she quit taking the pill and everything went back to as it was in the beginning.......now sex is awesome....do all pills do this to women or was she just different?

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I just had this conversation with a Chic I am (was) F-in.




She is a BEAUTIFUL piece, but has a kid, so my 3 and out rule applies. But when I was just talking with her today- This came up.


Since I lost my virginity at 13 to a 16 year old WHO WAS ON TOP I have been pulling out. Its not fucking rocket science people-and dont give me an ounce of shit about "pre-cum" either. You know when your going to blow-and if you can handle yourself, you have no business playing ball. My cock has been in more snatch than I car to speak about, and NOT ONCE have I came in a chic, or even come close to it. Even when I am wearing a condom, I will pull out to check that it's still in tact before I blow.



Maybe its just me, but is this really rocket science? Is it not normal to know/have control of when your going to bust a load? Maybe I'm the odd ball here.


I tend to agree with you since my ex wasn't on BC and I did her on a semi routine basis for 5 years basically without wearing a rubber. I think the pre cum thing does happen but its not as common as say blowing inside her.


You are correct if you can't tell when you are going to cum then you have no business doing the deed. I know when I am and I pull out and spit it either in their mouth or on their chest or stomach. Obviously it feels better to cum inside her but I don't want kids right now so I don't

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