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Its Official! CR will have a top 20 List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

V8 Beast

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CR will have a top 20 1/4 mile list!!!


Send me a PM with a pic of your slip, or a link to a video that shows your 1/4 mile time. I will put up the top 20 list and update it monthly. This is a Columbus Racing top 20 so if you do not live in Franklin or the surrounding counties (Pickaway, Fairfield, Licking, Delaware, Union, Madison) you will not be included on the list. The only exceptions made will be for tenured members that are active participants on the website as well as CR events. This will be decided by other mods and admins, not just me. I will have the list up by next Monday.


Do not post the videos or slips here!!! There will be another thread posted after I get all of the PM's and have a time to rank everyone.


What to send:

Pic of the time slip (indicate which of the 2 times is yours) and or a video of the run with your 60', ET, and Trap speed.

Your first name

Car info Year/Make/Model/Trim

Auto or manual

What engine you are running







My time is on the right




2001 Trans Am WS6

Automatic (A4)


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  TurboRust said:
no i was saying 2 lists where strong cars like sam's and ray's could enter both lists, on and off spray.

I was debating on having a database you could upload it to , I wonder how hard it would be to code something in php and if there is a good OCR lib out there to scan the sheet.



Allot of other sites have 1/4 databases that are not limited. Shit I would not mind being able to search in see ok jim bob runs 13.x, I will call him out.

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  Excell said:

Spoken as a true pimp, If your old skewl you will rember we had a few diffrent versions of this. At one point we had a Horsepower chart A Slow top 20 and a fast top 20. And a track one.



If I remember the rules right I think the slow top 20 was 13.00 or slower. I remember when a 13 would have had me on the top 20..... It would have been high up on there But I'm pretty damn sure I remember seeing 13's on it.



I remember the name. King of Columbus.


Excuse me while I go play some GT3.


What happened to killer spots like that :(

But I'm not sure If I would have ran much more then a 13 sec car down there.


WTH a bonus vid.


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