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No Front Plate ticket while parked

Mr. Jones

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While parked downtown this morning, I return to my car to find a parking ticket. I double check my meter and I have 1.5hrs+ left on it. Upon reading the ticket further it turns out its for no front plate!!




They are now ticketing for that while parked :(

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I got a ticket last year for having a car parked on the street in front of my house with expired tags on it. I was told i couldnt park it with no tags. So i put its own expired tags back on it till i sold the car. It was then towed for being parked in front of my house for 72 hours without moving. Cause i was in process of moving to newark and had started a new job. Impound towing fees were worth more then the 100 dollar car so i just gave them title.


Yeah there are some serious issues with some laws about tags and so on.

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i got one while parked down near Grant....i ran in for 10min long enough to get a copy of medical records...sure enough i come out and there is a ticket on my windshield. so about a year ago i just threw my plate up onto the front dash and i haven't been hassled since.
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yea while i work valet downtown i talk to the meter guy a lot and he said he can and sometimes will give tickets for no front plate while parked because u are parked on a public street so u have to have the plate just as if u were driving. funny thing once i had a car parked with no plate at all front or back and he said he cant give tickets for that because they wont let him write the VIN so there is no way to id the car sooo long story short if u park on the street without a front, remove and hide ur back and he cant ticket u hahah.
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I just recently had the same thing happen to me. i had like 30 minutes left on the meter. I was PISSED. FUCK PARKING. ive had like 4 parking tickets in the last month. now i have some wing-screws that i use to put my plate on whenever i leave it parked on campus, and i take em of when i leave. :mad:
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  osusantacruz said:
yea while i work valet downtown i talk to the meter guy a lot and he said he can and sometimes will give tickets for no front plate while parked because u are parked on a public street so u have to have the plate just as if u were driving. funny thing once i had a car parked with no plate at all front or back and he said he cant give tickets for that because they wont let him write the VIN so there is no way to id the car sooo long story short if u park on the street without a front, remove and hide ur back and he cant ticket u hahah.


God thats so ass backward. why does shit have to be so lame.

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I had my plate in my front window in my 87 300zx because no mount on the car an got ticketed in pataskala an to top things off I put my car on 4 jack stands overnight cause I was gonna do exhaust work...an got a tixcket for that in my own drive way 110 $ticket ahhhh gay
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  El Borracho said:
FIGHT IT. Fuck what these guys are saying, no key in ignition = no moving violation which is what no front plate is. My dad got the same ticket, fought it, judge threw the whole thing out of court without batting an eye.


I'm fiarly certain the no plate is not a moving violation. Equip violation rather.

Its only $40 vs $100 if a cop gets you instead.

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  El Borracho said:
just edited my previous post, it is indeed not a moving violation but my dad's story still stands. they won't even bother charging you if you just show up to fight it.


pay $40 ticket and be done with it or taking 2 days off to fight a ticket which is less of a hassle to you?

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...... two night ago i got a 77 in a 60 .... "tire tread wear"....... no head light...no front plate.... to loud of an exhaust.. yet its "stock"..and for some ungodly reason... "possesion of a poleice scanner" ... yeah talk about getting a fun day in court.


even though when did it become illeagle for the scanner and say nothing of the radar?

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  Farley said:
...... two night ago i got a 77 in a 60 .... "tire tread wear"....... no head light...no front plate.... to loud of an exhaust.. yet its "stock"..and for some ungodly reason... "possesion of a poleice scanner" ... yeah talk about getting a fun day in court.


even though when did it become illeagle for the scanner and say nothing of the radar?


Always illegal to have a scanner in a car. Tread Wear? He measured it?

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