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How to tell my friend she's a fucking dumb bitch

El Karacho1647545492

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Ok so there's this girl I've been amazing friends with for going on 9 years and there never was nor will there ever be any romantic interest between us. She's 20, as am I, and lives in CT and our really good mutual friend lives in Boston near me. So how do I tell her to stop being an idiot?


The rundown:

Past 2 years she's gotten preggers 3 times by the same guy who is her long-term boyfriend, each time has been a miscarriage. Its gotten to the point where we've started naming her kids, and then she miscarries and its devastating but relieving cuz she DOESN'T want to be a mommy but is against abortion and adoption. She's on the pill but is very undisciplined about it. The boyfriend is an ass and I don't trust him enough to not be a shitty father and a worse husband.



How do I make her listen to reason? I've tried telling her straight up and it wont work that way.

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Wouldn't even try to change her mind. Like stated above sounds like she had family issues at a younger age and honestly no matter what you say, you won't be able to change what has been going through her mind for the last (X) amount of years. Don't give up on her though, somtimes they come around, but don't count on it.
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Why dont you stop trying to cock block the other guy and worry about your own girls problems, not someone elses, Or just do what Austin said..


See I dont think he's trying to cock block him as much as look out for his friend. It would be different if he was trying to take her away from the other dude but he seem's genuine.


I agree with everyone else. I have had too many "best friends" that were dumb hua's about stuff like this. You would sit back and have a great time with each other, honestly become really good friends. Then she would run off with some dickhead and fuck her life up only to come back to you looking for a shoulder to cry on. You are as I was, an 'Intellectual whore'. You give her a part of a man that she cant find in any of the guys that treat her like shit.


Ive been through shit like this for YEARS before i finally figured it out. There is not a damn thing you can do about it. It seems you genuinly care about her, if you do... ignore her. The one thing she craves from you is the attention she cant get from her asshole boyfriend. Maybe she'll wise up, maybe you'll just lose a friend. Either way it will be less drama in your life.


EDIT: Alex I dont claim to know you or your friend, im just speaking from experience.

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so if shes undisciplined on taking the pill she really should try the nuva ring [awesome]. it goes in for three weeks, off for one. very low maintenance. that would at least curb the pregnancy issue.

unfortunately the guy issue is a bigger deal. i was totally mind fucked over a guy just like that. it takes a lot to get away or a big change in him/ relationship....

even when you know something is bad for you its hard to let it go.... be a good friend to her... sounds like she needs one.

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