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What up all, from Youngstown, OH...

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Yes, I am female and an English teacher and ride a Suzuki. However, the fact that I ride a Suzuki should definitely make up for the English teacher bit!

Female English Teacher +1

Suzuki Rider -1


You better post up some pictures to get some points back! :D

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It might not be too late to get your bikini shots w/ your bike into the OR.net calendar...


I think it's funny how you guys are so horny you'll say stuff like this to a girl you've never seen.......or have you? Whatever. Makes no difference. Go find a magazine or something.


Us girls don't make such requests. Hmm?

Edited by Mandova
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Men can't appreciate the physical beauty of a woman's natural figure without it being misconstrued as "horny-ness"?

I know you're just bustin' balls, but that's a serious question.

A man with respect and self control can, but you guys? Not sure about you guys. A woman's body was made to please a man with no reservation within the confines of a covenant relationship.

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A man with respect and self control can, but you guys? Not sure about you guys. A woman's body was made to please a man with no reservation within the confines of a covenant relationship.

Which would include fornication - correct?


But really, that has nothing to do with the pure aesthetics of a woman's figure, which has been idolized in many cultures over many centuries.

We're not talking about "pleasuring a man" saved for his visual pleasure only, in this case. And even then, women can also find other curvaceous feminine forms attractive without being homosexual.

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A man with respect and self control can, but you guys? Not sure about you guys. A woman's body was made to please a man with no reservation within the confines of a covenant relationship.

No, a womans body was made to carry, and bear children, and to nurse and nurture them afterwords.

mans body is meant to fertilize woman. to spread genetic material and continue a bloodline.

a womans body is pleasing to a man because of reproduction. the urge to replicate and distribute genetic code. It feels good so that it will be done. same reason you don't see people urging to slam their hand in garbage disposals, because it hurts.

Those without the urge to copulate cease to exist. this is very notable in dogs, there are bitches who refuse to mate. seems counter productive, but it's eventually bred out because of natural selection. humans have the urge to have sex, or become 'horney' because of this urge.

and saying it's a male only thing is WAY the freak off course. I'm bad, really bad. I'll take it 5-10 times a day if I can get it. But I've met girls who are worse than me. I've also met girls who think it's a horrible evil thing and should be abolished completely. I'll give you a clue who the hard line religious types were.

PS, a covenant relationship isn't universally appreciated. you back on that whole catholic thingy again :D lots of cultures have multiple wives.

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No, a womans body was made to carry, and bear children, and to nurse and nurture them afterwords.

mans body is meant to fertilize woman. to spread genetic material and continue a bloodline.

a womans body is pleasing to a man because of reproduction. the urge to replicate and distribute genetic code. It feels good so that it will be done. same reason you don't see people urging to slam their hand in garbage disposals, because it hurts.

Those without the urge to copulate cease to exist. this is very notable in dogs, there are bitches who refuse to mate. seems counter productive, but it's eventually bred out because of natural selection. humans have the urge to have sex, or become 'horney' because of this urge.

and saying it's a male only thing is WAY the freak off course. I'm bad, really bad. I'll take it 5-10 times a day if I can get it. But I've met girls who are worse than me. I've also met girls who think it's a horrible evil thing and should be abolished completely. I'll give you a clue who the hard line religious types were.

PS, a covenant relationship isn't universally appreciated. you back on that whole catholic thingy again :D lots of cultures have multiple wives.

What if I don't want babies? My body is still good for other things.

Wait just a minute, I am neither Catholic nor hard line religious. I love it just as much as the rest of you all. I have guidelines to keep myself out of trouble and to protect myself from getting two men mad as hell at each other.

I have learned that you don't play your man if you love and respect him. Right? God knows it's best kept to the covenant relationship. Although I have not been one to follow this rule in my younger years. See we all fall short.

And NO, you don't get to see my tits. Silly boy.;)

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