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What the gay


Hmm, looking to run in either party. The GOP sure as hell won't allow it, and I would be willing to bet that Hillary will find a way to exclude him. Even if he got in, all he would do is take some of the votes away from Obama. Twenty-somethings might flock to him, but see if your parents have even heard of him. He won't be taken seriously, and won't go anywhere. I would guess that more than anything he is trying to make some sort of a statement, what it is I don't know.

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Guest FooFooMaru
What the gay


Hmm, looking to run in either party. The GOP sure as hell won't allow it, and I would be willing to bet that Hillary will find a way to exclude him. Even if he got in, all he would do is take some of the votes away from Obama. Twenty-somethings might flock to him, but see if your parents have even heard of him. He won't be taken seriously, and won't go anywhere. I would guess that more than anything he is trying to make some sort of a statement, what it is I don't know.



He'll take good amount in S. carolina and i'm sure will pull the younger crowd but overall I think it's Obvious he isn't trying to be a real big threat.


He usually calls things and down the road they happen (has occured 2 times that i've seen) and does the whole "I CALLED IT" like he did when he said he'd be a canidate days ago with (I'm DOING IT)


It's a boost and it's hilariously. I love him, think he's intellegent and bold with what he does. It's just his character and it's just going to be fun to watch.


Some votes will be taken away from serious contenders but then again think of activity in the polls-i'm actually watching candidates more than I did last election because of Colbert and Stewart (not just their shows but msnbc and such too)


Appeals to people who love comedy.


I'm all for it

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He'll take good amount in S. carolina and i'm sure will pull the younger crowd but overall I think it's Obvious he isn't trying to be a real big threat.


He usually calls things and down the road they happen (has occured 2 times that i've seen) and does the whole "I CALLED IT" like he did when he said he'd be a canidate days ago with (I'm DOING IT)


It's a boost and it's hilariously. I love him, think he's intellegent and bold with what he does. It's just his character and it's just going to be fun to watch.


Some votes will be taken away from serious contenders but then again think of activity in the polls-i'm actually watching candidates more than I did last election because of Colbert and Stewart (not just their shows but msnbc and such too)


Appeals to people who love comedy.


I'm all for it


You do realize HE IS ON TV! Fucking christ. Maybe HE isn't hilarious or witty or intelligent. He has writers you know.

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What the gay


Hmm, looking to run in either party. The GOP sure as hell won't allow it, and I would be willing to bet that Hillary will find a way to exclude him. Even if he got in, all he would do is take some of the votes away from Obama. Twenty-somethings might flock to him, but see if your parents have even heard of him. He won't be taken seriously, and won't go anywhere. I would guess that more than anything he is trying to make some sort of a statement, what it is I don't know.


Thats my point, its hard to take him seriously when it seems like he's always in charector. I would distrust someone like that MORE than a politician. Yes Colbert is funny, witty and his political satire is great but even when he announced he was running it all kind of seemed like a joke, like it was just a shtick to him. Thats why I said in the other post, I would like to see him in a real debate, out of charecter.

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Guest StanekM3
You do realize HE IS ON TV! Fucking christ. Maybe HE isn't hilarious or witty or intelligent. He has writers you know.


You don't think - at such a high level - Presidents do either? At such a high level they rely on layers of layers of bureaucracy to provide the ever old "executive summary". Its the same for a CEO, he doesn't look to himself for the advisement, he merely makes the decision with the information his staff provides him.

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Guest FooFooMaru
You do realize HE IS ON TV! Fucking christ. Maybe HE isn't hilarious or witty or intelligent. He has writers you know.



He's on TV?!?! What the crap. That's new...very fresh to me. Seriously like getting some apples from super center wal mart...man, fresh.


I'm not aware of anything you said-actually I was just born. Thanks for update! :) I'ma go do stuff now.

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Guest FooFooMaru
Oh, and pretty sure anyone can't just get on tv and follow the script and be funny...nor do people get to where they are by just reading lines. I'm going to go out on and limb and say Stephen Colbert would be funny in person aka without writers. That's me though.
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i think while this is all funny, its not helping the political crisis in this country. our problem is that we dont have enough people who legitimately KNOW and care about politics. he is making a mockery out of it, basically just taking away from people voting for legit candidates.
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