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sprint sero


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i was trying to do some research on cell phone providers

i have nextel, and it blows. my contracts about up, so i was looking at who to go with ..

stumbled across somethign amazing.


sprint sero

go to sprint.com/SERO and use "savings@sprint.com" or "savings@sprintemi.com" in the address field.


enjoy discounted service plans...

unlimited data and text included holler

like 500 minutes with unlimited data and text, nights and weekends start at 7pm, etc etc for only $30


check this out for some info,



and this is helpful hints as well


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I was trying to think of who blows hard Nextel or Sprint, when I remembered that they share the same "member". I have had Verizon and Nextel........and I wish I never left Verizon, coverage is far superior and any time I want to upgrade/change my phone, I don't have to pay out the wazoo.
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I had Nextel a few years back. Its the only company that I've ever had a consistant bill with. Every month with them I could write the check before seeing the bill b/c I knew it was the same month to month. I now have AT&T and for some reason, I havent had similar bills yet. I dont understand it...I dont do anything different from month to month, yet it differs by about $15-20/month.


I would never go back to Nextel though. Coverage blows.

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Am I the only person who has ever been happy with sprint?



nope, i am as well

i have used sprint for like 6-7 years and while there have been a few annoyances, as you will have with any carrier, they have fixed any/all problems i have ever come across


my biggest thing right now, is how good of a deal SERO is and i can't get it :)

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nope, i am as well

i have used sprint for like 6-7 years and while there have been a few annoyances, as you will have with any carrier, they have fixed any/all problems i have ever come across


my biggest thing right now, is how good of a deal SERO is and i can't get it :)



i dont know if thats totally true, call 1-866-267-7193

thats sprints retention center


i called and got an amazing deal. and will be on the sero plan.

goodbye nextel


hopefully ill have better service near work.. everywhere else is fine with nextel.. minus the dropped calls.


but shit i got a free lg musiq for the wife and a free palm centro for myself.

plus $50 credit towards our first statement, and $100 a month for 1250 min plus , unlimited nights and weekends, unlimited text and data and turn by turn navigation for my centro.


and the wife gets 1250 min plus , unlimited nights and weekends, unlimited text and data


also no activation fee, and free shipping on the phones.


i was paying $182 a month for 500 min and unlimited direct connect and 900 minutes and unlimited direct connect through nextel.


i get waaaaaaaaay more for the money now.



by the way anyone know of any better browsers for the centro??

it has the blazer browser and i dont like it. but the touch screen on the centro is pimp

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it's a FULL featured browser, unlike most that come with smartphones


edit: after doing some research on your phone, i am sorry to tell you that you are SOL for a new Browser as far as i can tell, Palm's old ass OS is on that phone. i was hoping for your sake it would be Windows Mobile by now!

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i don't know for sure but this is what i read on their site


"Does Opera Mini work with my Palm device?


Opera Mini works with a number of Palm devices, however you may need to install a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) before downloading Opera Mini."

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