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Moving Sale


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I really need to get rid of this before I move. I have reduced the prices from what I had them at originally. It all needs to be gone now. Thanks for looking.





Click on the pics to be taken to my webshots photo album. From there you can scroll through the various pics I have of each item.


I'm headed to Indiana in a few weeks, so I have some things I would like to get rid of so I don't have to move them. This is what I have together right now, there will be more coming soon.




Up next is what my wife calls a makeup counter/stand/cabinet thingy.









As you can see in the pics, it has 6 drawers and the middle part opens up for more storage. It also has the mirror and comes with the little wooden seat in the picture. My wife used to use this all the time, but now she just clogs up the bathroom with all of her crap. As you can see in the pics, structurally it is in good shape, but the finish is a little rough. All I did was wipe the dust off of it, I haven't tried to clean it at all. I would guess you could just sand and stain it, and it would look fantastic.



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I wish I could pick up that office but our houses are about to go on the market soon and storing more furnature is crazy. (plus spending 250 of office furnature when the office furnature that I currently have has nothing wrong with it I would get killed for wasting money)


free bump.

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