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Radiator fluid, now what


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As some of you may know, I have been spending the last couple of months putting a bike together out of a wrecked 98 cbr900rr and a wrecked 97 cbr900rr. The bike is pretty much put together at this point. Well at least it looks like a bike anyways. So I start the thing up tonight for the first time and let it idle for about 5-10 mins. I then see the radiator fluid underneath. My question is should I just swap this radiator for my spare? I couldnt tell where it was coming from (the plastics are back on so I can see how everything fits and to see what I may be missing). The fins were covered with fluid so I dont know what to do. Any help is always appreciated. The radiator may have been damaged in the wrecked and I never noticed.

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What up.. Could be you have a pin hole leak on a hose or a clamp not tight enough. Take the

skin off and check all fittings. Could be something minor, but if you miss something, that could be lights out w fluid on the rear tire so make sure... :D

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After checking the radiator, Hoses would be my next guess. It could also be the reservior bottle. Especially if this is the bottle off the wrecked bike, they are pretty easy to crack. After a very close look to all of the above, then you would have to make sure it is not coming from the motor. It could leak from a water jacket - freeze out plug - if that motor has them, or it could leak around the head dur to bad gasket. Let me know if you need help. I should have an hour or so tomorrow to assit you. Good luck!!! :guitar:

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I replaced the radiator. The old one, while appeared fine on the bike, was destroyed upon inspection once removed. Now I am trying to make sure the cooling fan works but I dont know what temp it is suppose to come on at. What is a normal operating temp of a bike?

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