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Shit thread

El Karacho1647545492

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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a shit thread and thats why it's in the kitchen. So I'll stop farting around and skip the anal details and get right to the important crap.


How long do you take to shit, and do you consider it normal?


I'm a flash-shitter. I go to the john with a mission, drop trou, drop a deuce, and leave the bathroom, in and out in < 5min. I've got 3 roommates, 2 guys and 1 girl. One of the guys is a super-stinker and no one can go in the bathroom within 20 minutes of his shits. We have like 12 different kinds of febreeze and glade sprays, we have candles, we have everything and nothing censors this foul odor. My other male roommate is a marathon shitter. He'll be in there for 30 minutes doing god knows what. As for the girl, everyone knows girls don't poop. But seriously, she's a ninja shitter. the 3 of us guys have never seen her hangin in the bathroom for more than 30 seconds and she's never home alone cuz she works so much.


Anyways, the dudes I live with give me crap for being a turboshitter, and I can appreciate hangin in the bathroom for a while with a newspaper or n64 or some origami or whatever, but I like to keep it quick. So what kind of shitter are you?

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I like to think of mine as "concentration detonation." It's seriously like meditation when I go in to nuke. I have to get all psyched up to go in and when I do, I use up most of my energy to complete the task. It usually lasts anywhere between 1-5 minutes, depending on how much Mexican food I've eaten in the past 2 days.



Tip: if it won't go down, get a wire hanger and "chop it up" before flushing... :eek:

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Like three years ago, I was on a first date and definately had to drop a fat shit. I was touching her when my stomach felt like a dryer.. set on extra dry.


Anyway, I run to the bathroom holding my butt when I finally reach what i call ground zero. Explosions, blood and joy happened on that toilet, all in a span of 15 seconds.


Then it woudln't flush. I even tried scooping some out. She came a knockin on the door and I knew I was fucked. So I jerked off to her knocking on the door and bailed out of the bathroom window.


Never saw the bitch again.

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2 to 3 times a day at least usually during the first half of the day and almost always the last one comes before my shower. I'm in and out. If I want to read, play a game, or do some damn origami or inner thinking, I'll do it outside on the couch where the shit's not drying between my cheeks. Nobody likes a 'black-eye'. ;)
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lol.... Wow all Rednecks sign in here!


whether you girls want to believe it or not, this isn't redneck talk; this is water-cooler talk. basically, this is what guys talk about when there's no girls around to get grossed out.


edit: the reason i made a thread about it is cuz its easy to hide behind a keyboard and not give a damn what the girls think :D

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Guest hotrodmama024
I know what you guys talk about, but i really didnt think you guys like to share how it comes out, and how many times you do it, or how long it takes. I think personally its funny. But I do think some men have more class then that.
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I know what you guys talk about, but i really didnt think you guys like to share how it comes out, and how many times you do it, or how long it takes. I think personally its funny. But I do think some men have more class then that.


SO you go every 2-3 days and strain and risk an embolism to get it out huh.....

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