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court is finally over


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Well as many of you know, i was pulled over for streetracing and charged with a different charge. Max singer and I were at a dyno day at rx7store on 7/7/7 when this happened. We were going to QS&L with the rest of the guys. I was pulled over along with him and nothing happened to max physically whereas i was roughed up by CPD.


Of course they deny it and state something else in the report and leave out all the important details only to support their case. So i made it to a motion hearing and it didnt seem to be looking any better. I came across a deal that seemed like it was the best deal i could get without going to trial and taking my chances.

Original charges were:

No ops license

Fra suspension

driving under sus

no front plate

reckless opp

Resisting arrest



They deal i got

suspended license for 30 days

reckless opp

disorderly conduct


total of 6 points

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yes i had a lawyer. when 5 cops collaborate againest me my girlfriend and a friend, who do you think the judge or prosecutor is going to believe. Also why would the judge go againest the police officers that vote him into his office. the amount of police officers that vote for judges very much out weights the amount of citizens that vote for him.


If this went to trial the police officers had their lies together. this would of been something that in my mind would not of gone well for me.

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none whatsoever.


I was pulled over at gun point by officer Vooreuz. I was asked to put my hands on the steering wheel and to turn off the car. I asked him what am i being pulled over for. He would not answer me. He opened my door, He asked me to step out of the car and step towards the front of the car. (if anyone has ever ridden in an rx7 it is pretty hard to do that considering how little space there is to get out) I asked him how he would like me to do this because i dont think i understand how. He repeated himself and i stepped out as soon as my second foot hit the ground he tackled me and shoved me half over the other side of my door and told me to put my hands behind my back.


I asked him what am i being arrested for again he would not tell me. He was putting on cuff on me and told me to stand up, at this point i could not. I was not even touching the ground. Officer Vooreuz than told me if i didnt shut up he was going to mace me. He told me to stop resisting him and i told him i am not, this is because my hands were behind my back like he wanted.


He than took me off of my door and threw me into the opening of the car door. he than told me to stop resisiting him and i told him i am not. i dont know what you want me to do. Im doing what you ask.


This whole time that this is happening my girlfriend was screaming for my life. I was being abused for no reason.


Two other officers come onto the scene and help him take me to the ground where they than take a foot to my head and beat it againest the ground. they repeat this 3 more times. until im lying on the ground crying, i dont know what you want me to do i cant do anything. after this takes place they lift me up and slam me into the back of my car and slam my head into the windshield where my girlfriend saw blood over the windshield from my face where they had been beating it onto the ground. and this point they than take me back to the cruiser and im having trouble walking and pretty much collapse from everything that has just happened.


on the way back to the cruiser they say he is bleeding, we might need a medic. I am placed in the back of the cruiser and still not told i am under arrest or what is going on. I lay in the back of the cruiser bleeding and in pain for the abuse i just suffered.


I was told a medic was on the way and they opened the door and had me stick my head out, where the same officer vooreuz made fun of what had just happened to me, He said ohhhh, you just got a little bunny kiss on your face. And started laughing and saying other things to the other officers.


They told me i didnt need a medic and i told them i did, i needed a medic i am not giving up my right to a medic. Finally a medic came an looked at me and told me i was fine, i was like i am not. I needed stitches on my chin to close the wound. The Sgt finally came and talked to me to get my side of the story. i told him.



Nothing happened to any officer there. I was told i was lying. And i leaped toward the officer and was trying to flee. thus, he did what he did for a reason.

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There are always many subtle levels to the truth, but if you got beat up by cpd, the burden of proof exists on you and without their video it would be hard to prove.


sucks, and I believe you based on one experience I had with cpd years ago.


driving down Vulcan off of Nike in Hilliard. We were using it as a shorter path from Walcutt to Nike rather than Roberts to Hilliard Rome. We got pulled over for literally nothing. My friend ask why we were being pulled over and the CPD guy said "get out of the car". My friend complied and offered his lic and reg.


the cpd officer said "I don't need that".


my friend said "ok, what do you need from me?"


the cpd officer threw a punch, my friend ducked.


this is no bs, it is exactly how it happened. the cpd officer was mad that he missed and looked at me, looked at my friend, and then decided to let us go.


"I don't want to see you out here anymore"


I still use that road, I showed him.

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I'll leave my personal opinion about you out now after reading that story and just stick with the basics.


What you should be worrying about now is how youre going to get your license back after already driving under FRA suspension and now getting hit with yet another suspension. You should not have been driving. Or if you needed to get somewhere, your girlfriend has 2 legs for pushing pedals (I assume) she should be driving. If its the 1 kind of suspension that pisses me off the most its one for insurance reasons. At least we know you would rather mod your car than HAVE INSURANCE AND BE RESPONSIBLE.

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Fuck the police. Every Cop I have ever seen is corupted,And there is not alot you can do about it. There are stories just like yours that happen everyday that go unlooked. So as I said before FTP



There are some bad cops. But everyone is not bad/crooked. You need some glasses or a hearing aid cause ur senses do not work!

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I'll leave my personal opinion about you out now after reading that story and just stick with the basics.


What you should be worrying about now is how youre going to get your license back after already driving under FRA suspension and now getting hit with yet another suspension. You should not have been driving. Or if you needed to get somewhere, your girlfriend has 2 legs for pushing pedals (I assume) she should be driving. If its the 1 kind of suspension that pisses me off the most its one for insurance reasons. At least we know you would rather mod your car than HAVE INSURANCE AND BE RESPONSIBLE.



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What a noob.


Far from that! Just you bashing on cops is not cool. I would suggest you read a book and stay away from the computer that is if you can actually comprehend what I am telling you. You should not have to change what you say unless ur panties were getting too tight

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Far from that! Just you bashing on cops is not cool. I would suggest you read a book and stay away from the computer that is if you can actually comprehend what I am telling you. You should not have to change what you say unless ur panties were getting too tight


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If you have something to say just say it. Or did you change your mind after you realized your point of view wouldn't be the most popular? People would have more respect for someone who speaks their mind, no matter how unpopular it may be, than for someone who makes comments then backsteps afterwards.


True Blue was right, cops are people just like everyone else. There are good cops/bad cops, good firemen/bad firemen, good bankers/bad bankers etc... You cant honestly make blanket statements that "ALL" cops are crooked.

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Whether or not he did even beat the guys ass is not the concern. The fact is he was driving and should not have been. NO EXCUSE. Period. Especially when he had another person in the vehicle that could have driven (again, assuming she had a license herself).


Just remember, the more your caught, the more your fines add up. I booked a guy once and when I asked him how much his fines were to get his license back he stated "almost 8 thousand dollars". He had so many suspensions there was pretty much no chance he would ever have a valid DL again.


Before you know it youll be selling that RX7 just to afford the fines, or be stopped every time your tag is ran and end up in jail every time.

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John, I'll be honest, you're right... the kid should pay for his insurance and she be fined, etc... for not having it... but to be assulted because of not having it? ya... that's not good...


A Police Officer cannot uphold the law by breaking it themselves.

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Marshall Law


nice try.



martial =/= marshall


anyways, as for this case I'm not going to take either side because the truth obviously lies somewhere in the middle. You were not an innocent victim, you probably did something stupid that you shouldn't have done so i have no sympathy for you. the cops probably went too far and were dicks why there's no video evidence is beyond me.


cops here in boston suck. people in CBus take for granted how much they get out of. i was put in cuffs because I was walking down the street with a 24 year old friend, he was carrying a 30 rack of keystone, i had a plastic grocery bag with mixers. the cop pulls over, demands ID from both of us, sees that I'm 20 and puts me in cuffs to illegally search my bag, which had nothing illegal in it. fuckin bullshit out here. i got back at him by illegally consuming alcohol though, chalk one up for the college kids

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