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penalties wouldn't have changed the embarrassment that the buckeyes called playing last weekend



Probably wouldn't have changed the outcome, but the game was so horribly officiated on both sides that it just made me sick. May the better team win, but lets get a cleanly officiated game.


The Penn State vs Purdue game the same crew called 22 penalties


The next week in the Illinois vs OSU game they called 3


You can probably call a holding every single play

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buckeye fans made me hate a game that I was otherwise indifferent about. True story.

:D I wonder how many who post in this thread will really get what you're saying.


Bad officiating? Possibly. Excuse as to why OSU lost to Ill? Not even. Possible bad fumble call in the beginning of game? Maybe. But they had the whole rest of the game to not lose. The game was no suprise to me. I knew as long as Juice could connect a few times it would be enough to keep OSU off balance with the play actions and options. Most Big10 teams seem to have probs with that. I even told my gf (Lived most her life in Champaign, Ill) that they would need the turnovers and they would get them from the OSU quarterback in interceptions. They got that, too. 3 of them that cost OSU the game. Not the officiating. Let the hatred of me begin. I apologize for those who are riled up by my opinion. :)

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:D I wonder how many who post in this thread will really get what you're saying.


Bad officiating? Possibly. Excuse as to why OSU lost to Ill? Not even. Possible bad fumble call in the beginning of game? Maybe. But they had the whole rest of the game to not lose. The game was no suprise to me. I knew as long as Juice could connect a few times it would be enough to keep OSU off balance with the play actions and options. Most Big10 teams seem to have probs with that. I even told my gf (Lived most her life in Champaign, Ill) that they would need the turnovers and they would get them from the OSU quarterback in interceptions. They got that, too. 3 of them that cost OSU the game. Not the officiating. Let the hatred of me begin. I apologize for those who are riled up by my opinion. :)



The no call on the fumble was bigger than a lot of people let on. It wasn't the fact that OSU had the rest of the game to make it up, it wasn't the fact that the refs missed the call. That play would have been such a HUGE momentum swing it could have possibly completely altered the game. If you have ever played organized football at a high level (I count playoff caliber high school teams and up) you realize how big of a deal momentum is in a big game.


Its just like when people bitch about OSU fans complaining about Ted Ginn not being in the national championship game as being a huge factor to UF winning... Well guess what it was... Ginn left the field, UF players even admitted they were able to change their gameplan, go single coverage and pin their ears back and go after the QB.


Football is a team sport that is driven on emotion. If one small thing goes out of balance, it can completely alter the whole outcome of the game, whether people want to admit it or not.

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i dont think it would have changed the outcome of the game either really... but should these guys have been on the field calling a game?


just some food for thought: illinois was the most penalized offense this season and they ran the ball 51 times. they only had one penatlty the entire game.

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