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I bullshitted my way into an internship{need help}

Chad is Dead

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Ok so I kinda bullshitted myself into an internship as a news correspondent. It's not real professional so I should be ok. It's just a hip hop website where I attend shows and write about them and also conduct interviews every once and awhile. I get to choose the shows I go to so that's cool but I have never wrote about an event besides a war or something else that happened in the past. I have also never conducted an interview. So basically I'm asking just asking for any advice. And If anyone would like to make me do a horrible job at interviewing, then come to CBR's on Saturday night. Its a mixed genre show consisting of rock/hip hop. $5 to get in, starts at nine. And of course when I actually do a write up I will make sure all spelling and grammer is correct. The end.
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LOL. I am no help, but that is kind of funny. I guess if you are a generally cool guy (guessin so or you couldn't have bullshitted into a job) you could pull off a good interview. I would guess take good ass notes and/or tape record it.


I am thinking if you bullshitted into a job, you can bullshit through an interview. I bet the hard part will be writing shit in a way that is interesting and not just ,


"So, XXXX, why did you do XXXX?"


"Well, because XXXX and I love hoes."

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Every interview I have ever been a part of is BS thrown left to right by both parties. You have done nothing wrong (Unless you forged a college degree or something).


Agreed and if you don't pull it off, eh, who cares? Chalk it up to experience and see if you can't bs your way into a job that'll pay for a trip overseas before they find out you suck? If you're not the type who easily embarasses, then go for it.\! :p

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