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So my son left his email logged in on my computer...


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and he's talking to a girl from school. I know.. no big deal. He's 14 and I'm sure getting curious (I sure as hell did as he was born when I was 17).


Should I snoop and read his email or just leave it alone? Part of me says to read it (there's like 30 messages.. lol) the other part says leave it alone and let him go through life.

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Youre honestly using the idiots on here for parental advice?



The Pool of "talent" that you have to work with here include a raging bible thumper who hasnt opened his mind since it was formed in the womb, a bunch of dudes who drive really nice cars, do a bunch of drugs, and bang strippers all the time, a ton of backwoods rednecks, and MAYBE a handful of good parents.



By the Way, if you read that now and he finds out about it... He wont trust you. Ever. Think about that.

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Well, even if I were to read it, it's not getting posted here.


He's definatley not the aggressive kid either. I'm sure he's just bullshitting with her back and forth. Same stuff I did when I was his age, but PC's weren't like they are today. (it was a BBS.. lol).

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Youre honestly using the idiots on here for parental advice?



The Pool of "talent" that you have to work with here include a raging bible thumper who hasnt opened his mind since it was formed in the womb, a bunch of dudes who drive really nice cars, do a bunch of drugs, and bang strippers all the time, a ton of backwoods rednecks, and MAYBE a handful of good parents.



By the Way, if you read that now and he finds out about it... He wont trust you. Ever. Think about that.


It has nothing to do with Parental advice. Something you don't know anything about obviously. :).


He was right behind me when I opened up firefox and saw it was logged in. I went into his email with him right behind me and he wanted me to open up an email he sent from school so I could print it out. I asked "who's this marissa chick" (or whoever her name was). He just said some girl from school. He wasn't like "oh shit dad, don't do that".


It's prolly no big deal, but the curiosity is still there :).

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I would probablly read it, to get a better feel of where he is.....but don't get caught. Oh and screw the whole privacy thing.......if the opportunity falls in your lap that's one thing. If your key-logging all of his computer access, that's something else. Just don't get caught.
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I would probablly read it, to get a better feel of where he is.....but don't get caught. Oh and screw the whole privacy thing.......if the opportunity falls in your lap that's one thing. If your key-logging all of his computer access, that's something else. Just don't get caught.


he's in bed now and it's my computer.. not his .. he doesn't have one . yet. :).

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Talk to him. Ask him who Marissa is. Make sure he's being safe and not talking to someone he met on myspace, explain to him why he shouldn't be doin that, and let him have his privacy. As Hefty pointed out if he realizes you're reading his emails, he'll never trust you. It's one thing to do that to a girlfriend if she's emailing another dude, but the bond you share with your son should be different. Be the guy he wants to show his emails to, not the guy who has to sneak into his inbox.
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The Pool of "talent" that you have to work with here include a raging bible thumper who hasnt opened his mind since it was formed in the womb, a bunch of dudes who drive really nice cars, do a bunch of drugs, and bang strippers all the time, a ton of backwoods rednecks, and MAYBE a handful of good parents.


So, what am I? I don't drive a nice car, bang strippers, and I'm not a backwoods redneck. :p




PS. I vote: read it.


I go for the "as long as he's under your roof, he's under your care" rule.

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they are kids and like it or not, they as we did, will hide and not share everything with us as parents. In many cases we actually won't see it coming or even know. Thus in cases like this, I say dip in and read as we need every edge we can get.




which reminds me of the many news stories that have parents interviewed saying "I never saw this coming"
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eh.. I read it. Nothing to worry about. Just some him talking to one or two chicks from school. Should I ask for pics of her? No.. wait, Then I'd see Chris Hanson of Dateline at my front door. lol.

i really hope he doesn't find out you read that. for your sake and for his. if i knew my father was sneaking around behind my back getting into my shit, it doesn't matter who's paying the bills, whose house it is, i would've flipped a shit at any age. you didn't trust your son, how could you expect him to extend the same kind of trust and respect to you? cuz you're his father and you put a roof over his head. if you had any confidence in your parenting you'd never have even thought about it.

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Guest Drew The Pirate

my parents would have (and did) read my emails when I was younger. They looked out for me, they slapped the shit out of me, one time they electrocuted me, and look at me now. Flawless.

I'm on your side. Be the dad, not the pal.

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my parents would have (and did) read my emails when I was younger. They looked out for me, they slapped the shit out of me, one time they electrocuted me, and look at me now. Flawless.

I'm on your side. Be the dad, not the pal.



God, I hope part of that was intended to be funny, because it was hilarious.



Hell, my parents read my email. Just ask first?

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