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2 Scenarios

V8 Beast

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Scenario 1

You are outside with your family having a cookout. Suddenly you see a woman running up towards your family screaming, "He's going to kill me!" Then you see a man about 70 yards behind her with a gun in his hand. At this point what do you do? Do you run in the house and lock the door before the woman gets to your house. Or do you take the woman into your house along with your family to protect her????


Scenario 2

Everything is the same as the first scenario except the woman running is now a 9 year old little girl. What would you do?

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scenario 1:Shoot him... then again..and again,making sure not to empty the clip an shooting below the knees, this shows you were in control and protecting somone. and hell you get to shoot someone


scenario 2:Use the "i have some candy" method,works everytime i bag the 12 year olds like that all the time :D

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In my case I have a loaded 9mm within 30ft of my BBQ inside my house. I'd very likely immediately grab the kids and tell the rest to run inside, yell for my wife to call 911 and can easily have it in my hands and ready to protect my family in time.


I would likely yell at the women to get down on the ground around the side of the deck or behind some trees we have. This will keep her away from my family, and his attention or unintentional shots away from them too.


That split attention from him to her and him to me will also help break his focus and throw him off a bit hopefully.


I would have no direct intention of bringing her or harm to my family, especially knowing nothing about these people or the situation, so she's not coming in the house. I also would be very hesitant on putting myself between a bullet and her. However, I will take him down if the gun is pointed or there is a threat towards me or my family in any way.


You are describing a pretty good case for self defense, but one never knows what's going to happen or what your actions would really be. I could also see just taking him down with 3-5 shots to complete the situation and still walk away with the police saying they understand completely.


why do you ask?


Scenario 1

You are outside with your family having a cookout. Suddenly you see a woman running up towards your family screaming, "He's going to kill me!" Then you see a man about 70 yards behind her with a gun in his hand. At this point what do you do? Do you run in the house and lock the door before the woman gets to your house. Or do you take the woman into your house along with your family to protect her????


Scenario 2

Everything is the same as the first scenario except the woman running is now a 9 year old little girl. What would you do?

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I would stand there confused until it's too late. I'm kinda slow like that.


This and the ninja toss are effffin great lol!


I only ask because I have random scenarios pop into my head. If it were to happend to me there is no way I would let anyone near my family that may cause them harm. I would more than likely do more to protect a child than a grown person, but in the end no one is getting in my house. For all we know she could be a wanted felon and the guy running could be an undercover officer.

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This and the ninja toss are effffin great lol!


I only ask because I have random scenarios pop into my head. If it were to happend to me there is no way I would let anyone near my family that may cause them harm. I would more than likely do more to protect a child than a grown person, but in the end no one is getting in my house. For all we know she could be a wanted felon and the guy running could be an undercover officer.


At least i was honest. If I were actually aware of what was going on, I would probably hold the attacker back (I'm a pretty big guy). If I can difuse it, sweet, if not I pull the cell phone out of my pocket and call the po-po. If the attacker has a weapon, then who knows, it's really not possible to say what I would do, as every situation is different. Loaded guns are strewn throughout the house, but I don't have CCL so I don't carry, even on my own property. Being outside means they are worthless unless I can make my way in.

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At least i was honest. If I were actually aware of what was going on, I would probably hold the attacker back (I'm a pretty big guy). If I can difuse it, sweet, if not I pull the cell phone out of my pocket and call the po-po. If the attacker has a weapon, then who knows, it's really not possible to say what I would do, as every situation is different. Loaded guns are strewn throughout the house, but I don't have CCL so I don't carry, even on my own property. Being outside means they are worthless unless I can make my way in.


My concern is my family. When I was younger and someone started shooting at the park or by my school (happened way too much) my first reaction was to see where it was coming from, then I usually lost controll and turned into a little idiot. This same inability to control myself almost got me shot by about 10 cops that had their weapons drawn on me (I had a bb gun shooting pop cans, and an old lady called the cops because she thought it was real). Now that I have a family I feel I have to be alive in order to protect them so I would run along with them. If I'm not backed into a corner, I'm not getting involved.


The coward's the one that tells you how the hero died.

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See, I have no family to worry about. I don't feel the need to start shit, I'm very level headed and have always been able to reason my way out of problems. It's because of this that I've never been in a fight in my life. There have been some close calls, but its just never come down to that for me.


My belief on fighting is that it's only neccesary to defend your life. If I can't reason my way out of a fight and the person isn't intimidated by my size, then I have to assume they are trying to kill me, and I feel that I won't stop until the other person is unable to fight back, or I'm dead.

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See, I have no family to worry about. I don't feel the need to start shit, I'm very level headed and have always been able to reason my way out of problems. It's because of this that I've never been in a fight in my life. There have been some close calls, but its just never come down to that for me.


My belief on fighting is that it's only neccesary to defend your life. If I can't reason my way out of a fight and the person isn't intimidated by my size, then I have to assume they are trying to kill me, and I feel that I won't stop until the other person is unable to fight back, or I'm dead.


My thoughts exactly. My dad used to say.. "I'm not going to start a fight, but I damn sure know how to finish one!"

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