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Need something moved in the house


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I need my big Nordictrack treadmill moved from the first floor to downstairs. Who would you use? Two Men and a truck? It would take two big guys 10 minutes to pick it up and move it downstairs but there is now way my wife and I could move it ourselves. Any recommendations?



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So you need to move a treadmill from the second floor to the first? Dont you have a brother or dad or BFF you can call?


Unfortunatly me and my brothers have moved way too much to be inerested in moving someone elses stuff for them. Post up how much you'd be willing to pay and I'll ask mike if he's interested though.

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So you need to move a treadmill from the second floor to the first? Dont you have a brother or dad or BFF you can call?


Unfortunatly me and my brothers have moved way too much to be inerested in moving someone elses stuff for them. Post up how much you'd be willing to pay and I'll ask mike if he's interested though.


Did you really just say "BFF"????

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Thanks for eveyone's offers to help. The treadmill was a beast but I got it moved. My Brother was in town for a short time and he helped me move it. Thanks again to everybody in the CR community who offered to help.




PS On the friends thing I needed it moved ASAP to prepare for a dinner and nobody was available to help at the time. Brother happened to stop by and we got r done.

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