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We may have lost another one.


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IMO he may seemed to have had enough time, but in reality, his brain likely didn't even finish processing what was happening.


I was going north on 23 just before Powell rd a few years back when a Semi Truck crossed over into my lane and eventually took out about 3 power poles on the east side of 23 before crashing into some cars.


It was surreal to me at the time and I remember not being able to process and judge what was happening until he was into the first pole. That distance was not what I would deem critically close to me either, so I can't imagine if he was headed right at me. I had stopped in the middle of the road in the turn lane and when I finally came to a full conclusion, I don't remember even moving over and stopping.


Sure, instinct says we'd do one thing, but you never know. Hell, he could have been changing the radio or even just thinking about something else and with no one in front of him and what looked like light traffic, somewhat in "Cruise Mode."


Unfortunately we won't know. Definitely a tragic loss for someones family.


remind me not to ever ride in ur car :o

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you had to be there to fully understand what I'm trying to convey. point is that in the case of this supra, he likely barely had time to see the guy coming at him and say oh shit, before he got his. remember, the speed the Altima was driving at seemed very high; add that to the speed of the Supra and the reaction time before impact is greatly reduced.


in my case, the truck was much farther ahead of me and I was like WTF?? when I saw him first cross over. I wondered if he was turning or what...then by the time he took out the first pole it registered that the situation was very bad. Again, not being there, you prolly won't get it.


remind me not to ever ride in ur car :o
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