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Rant, about WOW.


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Well of course when you go out and buy a LC-52D64U and you disconnect everything from the TV, surround sound,DVD, cable box/DVR ect. Move the Armour and old TV upstairs, set up a new stand for electronics, hook up the new 52 LCD TV, and yep the fucking DVR/Cable box will not turn on. SO now I have this $2500 tv and can't watch my premium HD package, and WOW can't drop off a new box for 2 weeks. I mean damn all I need is the freaking DVR I can hook it up myself and call... :mad: I swear Murphy's Law can kiss my Ass! All I want is BTN HD and ESPN HD! :mad:


The thing is I called a couple of weeks ago to complain about our DVR, skipping and having the audio not match the picture, I was told that they could not 100% get me a 8300 model which has HDMI. How do you even still give customers who will now pay 149 a month for everything with an additional DVR, equipment that is OLD (no HDMI).

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I had to have my WOW DVR swapped out early on and instead of waiting for them to come out and drop it off, I went and picked it up at the Westerville office. Call them back and ask to pick it up. It was no problem at all for me to do this.


My guess is they are backed up due to the holidays. I'm likely going to do this again when I switch over the new 50 Plasma to HD in the next few days. I'm pretty sure thought their HD DVR's are HDMI. I won't hook mine up if it's not.


I switched to them over TW because of the HD Content..mainly the availability of local stations, which at the time TW didn't offer through their DVR/System. Maybe that's changed, but IMO, if I can't 4-6-10 in HD then screw that cable company.

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Thats crazy, when I decided a few ago to get their hd packages and such, a guy was out the next morning EARLY. I can't imagine its a regional thing, but the same thing happened when my cable modem died. Boom next morning they were out and gave me a credit. I really can't think of a single complaint.
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Thats crazy, when I decided a few ago to get their hd packages and such, a guy was out the next morning EARLY. I can't imagine its a regional thing, but the same thing happened when my cable modem died. Boom next morning they were out and gave me a credit. I really can't think of a single complaint.



Well when you call Joe directly I guess you get that kind of service fag! :p

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My roommate had this happen with Insight, just call back a couple times and raise hell saying its a violation of your contract(if you have one) and your going to switch to satellite and call Channel 6 news, roommate got his in a day or 2.
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Off westerville rd near 161?? I'll have to look it up....sorry I don't have it handy where I'm at today. I'm calling them Monday to get my DVR changed over to HD downstairs and will likely go get the box if the delay is going to be a while. I'll PM you if you haven't already gotten the address by then.


Tim where is the Westerville office? That would be great if I could go get one.
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that's the #1 reason why I won't go Satellite. I have less than zero tollerance for phone, cable or cable modem to be down. We had TW for countless years with perhaps 3 outtages ever. WOW has been down perhaps once in the past year but not for more than a couple hours. Electric....knock on wood, we've never lost power in the past 10 years. I still have a back up system with Generator wired into the main board though.


I pray for nice weather.
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that's the #1 reason why I won't go Satellite. I have less than zero tollerance for phone, cable or cable modem to be down. We had TW for countless years with perhaps 3 outtages ever. WOW has been down perhaps once in the past year but not for more than a couple hours. Electric....knock on wood, we've never lost power in the past 10 years. I still have a back up system with Generator wired into the main board though.


Wow, my old roomate switched just last month and he has been very happy with it. It is going to take cable a while to be able to update a change that big. Eventually cable will expand and blow dish back out, but for the next couple of years satilite will be the way to go.

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Several years ago when I was still living with the parental units, we lived in the boonies and had no cable, so I bought the DirecTV equipment from Circuit City and installed all of it myself. I never had a problem with the service, even during strong snow and ice storms. I had anchored the dish to the side of the house with lag bolts and just made sure the rest of the bolts were tight once I got it aligned.

The only reason I'm with TW now is because I live in town and it's convenient to have everything on one bill.

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It's X-mas time, everyone wants something as a present = backed up log; I'm sure Warner, Insight, and the Dish companies are the same way.


The Westerville office is 3675 Corporate Dr, 43231. They should be able to swap it for you. Time Warner does the same thing at their office as well.


And yes, you'll get an 8300. We still have 8000's circulating (as does Time Warner), but there are way more 8300's. They are required to say we can't guarantee in case there is a shortage of stock in a certain area; it's not like any company is going to just ditch perfectly good equipment because the "lastest" piece of equipment has a port on in that only 2% of HD customers actually use.

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Well went there tonight with two kids, barely made it before they closed, dropped off the old 8000 DVR. The nice lady informed me that you have to be there before 3:30pm to get new equipment. She stayed a little late to take care of me. She put on Noggin so one of the kids could watch Lil' Bill while we conducted our business. So I left empty handed. However the lady said she would have the guys in the back bring her up 2 8300 DVRs tomorrow and she would hold them for me SO I could pick them up before 5pm when they close. (I don't get off until 3:30pm). Good people.
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