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The Ancient Rite of Christmas Bonuses

El Karacho1647545492

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Ahh the Christmas bonus. The much-anticipated chance for Uncle Sam to rape us all of the charitable donation our employers give to our overworked asses.


Seriously though, I've really got no idea what people expect as far as a bonus, so lets all post our bonuses. Or not, cuz this is a shit thread.


This year I didn't get any. In fact, I haven't gotten a bonus since I worked at a shitty coffee shop, but when I worked at the coffee shop my boss would take all the employees out to dinner at a decent restaurant on him, alcohol included. The first year I went we got a private room at Old Bag of Nails pub in Gahanna and 12 of us kinda went wild on drinks and such. I was 16 so to me, free drinks at a restaurant was a bonus none of my friends could fathom. Now I kinda wish I was getting some pocket change so I could do xmas shopping. Oh well.



Fake edit: blah blah blah Ron Paul blah blah taxes blah blah gold standard stfu.

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I got a $40 gift card to Buca de Peppo (sp?), and 10pc hand tool set, (wrenches/pliers) and couple other small things. I'm happy, plus this is my first job with PAID vacation/holidays, so that's a bonus in and of itself.
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my work gave 2,000 employees in central ohio 20$ gift card to giant eagle...better than nothing i guess...but to be fair, this company has given away more free crap to me in the 4 months ive been there than my previous job did in over 2 years...shit like lunch boxes, t-shirts, gift cards for nothing except winning a game of cornhole in our dept meeting, free lunches...
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  Mensan said:
We get quarterly bonuses based on how our company is doing. I received my Q3 bonus in Nov., and it was 14.5% of my salary.


That wasn't the point of the thread, now was it?


Back to the topic at hand. How many of you got a holiday bonus, and how much was it?

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  DarkFormula said:
That wasn't the point of the thread, now was it?


Back to the topic at hand. How many of you got a holiday bonus, and how much was it?



Are you all butt hurt because I pointed out your brother is a retard? I got a bonus during the holiday season, and I posted it. It WAS the point of the thread. STFU.

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  Mensan said:
Are you all butt hurt because I pointed out your brother is a retard? I got a bonus during the holiday season, and I posted it. It WAS the point of the thread. STFU.

Good thing this post is about a Christmas Bonus, and not about a quartely earnings bonus that just happens to happen somewhere near the "Holiday Season."

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  Mitch said:
I'll get a heartfelt card from Nationwide wishing me happiness during the holiday season. So I got that going for me, which is nice.


At least you got that I didn't even get that from NW. I have only had one job where I recieved Chrismas bonus and the owner told me not to tell his wife he gave it to me.

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We have a big party every year, this Sunday is our Christmas party and it's at the Heritage Golf Club. We get free food and drinks then they usually give us an Anderson's gift card.


We get a lot of stuff throughout the year though so it's fair I guess.

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We get a holiday party that they dump a good chunk of cash into (free drinks for an hour for ~200 guests, catering, a staff of people running casino games, couple grand in prizes, big hotel "ballroom", etc.) that 95% of the people go to wish they would just split that up and give it out as Christmas Bonuses.
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Eli got told on!


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The Ancient Rite of Christmas Bonuses



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I usually get one of those cards that are purchased in bulk with some big wigs name on it stamped by their secretary. The people that report to me get nothing because my company =

-Not allowed to have a Christmas party.

-Not allowed to give a gift because someone that does not celebrate Christmas can say it is a "religious gift" and have me written up

-So worried about a law suit/HR issues that they took away all ability for managers to be human.

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  Nitrousbird said:
Good thing this post is about a Christmas Bonus, and not about a quartely earnings bonus that just happens to happen somewhere near the "Holiday Season."



Hey Joe, if you post the amount of the bonus they give you for being a maintenance man, I'll post mine and we can compare.

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