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Ben Stein about Christmas & atheists


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Yup don't forget the 100's of other religious and non-religious celebrations that have occurred in this hemisphere at around the same time and some of which are (much) older than your celebrations ; Amaterasu, Yule, Goru, Dazh Boh, Wayeb, Wren Day, Saturnalia,... your Christmas celebrations are actually thought to be adapted from some of those and a good deal from Ziemassvetki during the middle ages.

oh yeah I forgot you're unique and it's all about you. :nono:

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eh, I can't fautl people for sayin happy holidays. it IS the holiday season, nov-dec. I say it allot to just lump everything together. celebrate it or not, it is christmas. just because you don't celebrate it doesn't mean it's not christmas. thats about as stupid as someone getting upset for celebrating a birthday just because it's not your birthday too. People are idiots.

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How do you think God feels when all those people refuse to acknowledge His existence?

IMO an omnipotent and loving god would realize that simply not believing in him is not a crime worthy of hellfire.

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What's worse...happy holidays or Merry Xmas?

Merry X-mas means :

A. You're freaking lazy and can't write the word christ cause it's too hard.

B. You're material and greedy like most Americans so you would rather X-out christ and just collect the goodies.

C. You think it's some cool slang. No reason behind it at all.

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Merry X-mas means :

A. You're freaking lazy and can't write the word christ cause it's too hard.

B. You're material and greedy like most Americans so you would rather X-out christ and just collect the goodies.

C. You think it's some cool slang. No reason behind it at all.

but if you dont believe in christ why involve him in what is now a national holiday?

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Merry X-mas means :

A. You're freaking lazy and can't write the word christ cause it's too hard.

B. You're material and greedy like most Americans so you would rather X-out christ and just collect the goodies.

C. You think it's some cool slang. No reason behind it at all.

Isn't Christmas a shortening or compound of Christ's Mass, Cristes Maesse,..

Wouldn't people who write Christmas also fall under those as well or where do you draw the line and who get's to do it?

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but if you dont believe in christ why involve him in what is now a national holiday?

If you don't believe in Christ......Then don't celebrate CHRISTmas. Atheist/PC revisionists have been working to change it for years.....but like it or not, the national holiday IS named after him

When I say Happy Holidays, it's usually because I know I won't see that person before New Year's either, and am too lazy to say "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's".......Or the same case if it's before Thanksgiving & I know I won't be seeing them again for awhile

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I haven't went out and nabbed the deer carcass and blood candles to place on the Pentagram yet. I haven't been very productive on my days off.

Thx for the reminder

Slacker! roflmao.gif

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I swear I'm gonna take a ball bat to the next PC person that insists on wishing me happy holidays!!! It's Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukka ! ( I think I spelled it wrong) USE the CORRECT name for the celebration wussies!!!! I personally don't care if any of you are offended... don't like it? don't participate!!!

People are going to be people Chris. Yes it is offensive to me but I'm sure PLENTY of stuff I do is offensive to other people....but I don't care! ;) I wear a pin on my scrub jacket every day at work that says, "JESUS is the reason for the season". It was the very one my grandmother wore for years (she died in 1986). This wasn't the actual date Jesus was born anyway. This is just the season we have chosen to celebrate it.

And for referencing Jesus turning over the money tables...well He had good reason to. Everyone acts like God is some statue up in heaven on His throne. He has feelings and can become angry but like I wrote before He is VERY longsuffering. Remember we were created in His image. Those people were violating the sanctity of the worship area. The same area where the very presence of God reside....the shakina glory...you know that tangible presence of an Almighty God. In Isaiah 6 it states the His train FILLED the temple. This means there should be NO room for anything else (anything UNholy). Thank God for the blood of Christ b/c now we can come boldly b/f His throne seeing that He know sees us through blood stained shades. ;) Besides if you don't have a relationship with Him you will never be able to extract the rhema word in the text.

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I have been saved and believe somewhat. Am I a devoted christian, no. Do I believe, yes. I do not go to church, I swear, I drink, I smoke, but in the end I am satisfied with where my beliefs stand. I am also a walking contradiction with 3 religous tattoo's even though you are not supposed to modify your body.

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Frank Costanza: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.

Cosmo Kramer: What happened to the doll?

Frank Costanza: It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born: a Festivus for the rest of us!

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I am so sick and freakin fed up with all the a-hole atheists that insist on pushing their ideas on the rest of us.... and we just "turn the other cheek" well I say it's time we start swingin the ol' ball bat for our right to speak and worship and display our faiths...


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uhhh chrisitans are like 80+% of the population. its a bit like a saudi arabian complaining about the pagans in his country trying "to push theirs beliefs on the rest of us." ever just wanted to say to an arab something like why are you all so wrapped up in your religion, which is obviously BS anyway. welll.....thats how atheists see you and everyone else. think about it, you dont even grasp the cartoon, thats how self-involved your world has made you.

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