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Taxes, anyone do them.


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My wife and I use The Caldwell Group and have for years. They are great. We got money back several times and honestly I have no idea how considering our situations. Very cost effective and efficient and yet you can call or email or meet with them anytime.


I have no association with them other than a very satisfied customer. They will outline things to you like no one else ever has for us in the past. Great folks.


Feel free to ask for Karen Caldwell or Wendy Sheridan. Wendy is now who covers our account.


They addressed all such as your over the phone, but I can't comment on your situation as it's not my place.


Caldwell Group

(614) 793-2422

5060 Bradenton Ave,

Suite D

Dublin, OH 43017


My wife and I both telecommute and I was wondering if we can deduct expenses related to maintaining both of our offices.


I think I will actually need someone that does taxes this year.

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When you say "our" offices, are they "your" offices or your just employed there.


If in fact you own the business then you should be writing off your fuel expenses and maintenance. To help you out also you should sell one of you personal vehicles to the company. This put money in your pocket, less taxable money on the table for the company and its makes thing easier when tax season comes to write things off.


I think im getting ahead of my self here. Like first stated do you own it or just work there?

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Talked to my grandfather (he does taxes). Anything I don't expense, related to maintaining my office in my home, is deductable. I take the SQFT of my office and figure the % of the SQFT of my house and the percentage is what I deduct. I take every electric bill, heating bill, any home improvement, any house related expense. Since my wife and I both work out of the house we get a much higher percentage.


We both work for corporations (Huntington and Aruba). I do not own the business, but I do not have a corporate office to go to I work from my house.


I wonder, does this apply to people that do on-call from their house?

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I work from home, for another company (not my company). I don't have a business.


The cool thing is I get to write off a part of my mortgage, my electric, heat, etc... It is going to be a good year I think.


I normally deduct mortgage, electric and heat bills on my taxes. I am not in your situation.

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